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A problem I’ve had- maybe you have too?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:49 pm
by Stormpen
I stumbled on No S today- and I’m eager to see how it goes, but I have a problem from earlier attempts to stop overeating- I’d go avout two days binge free and then I’d start getting this restless feeling and here’s the weird part, I’d become hyper aware of my tongue and salivation (I KNOW IT SOUNDS SUPER WEIRD). It would happen between meals and sometimes even after a proper filling meal, so it wasn’t a real symptom of hunger. I was just wondering if anyone else experienced something similar, and if you have tips to overcome it.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:46 pm
by oolala53
Welcome! I haven't had that experience. Nor have I heard of it. But I doubt it would be a problem to just let it happen and not eat. Maybe more water? (I'm pretty sure Pavlov's dogs got de-programmed after they stopped getting food every time that bell rang. 'Course, he didn't put them on a diet under either circumstance. )

Just to say, the body produces a lot of sensations that we interpret as hunger. None of the mean we have to eat right then or even very soon, unless we have a condition. It's just old programming from eons ago when our ancestors' taking advantage of every opportunity to eat is why we're all here. And the programming we've done with our habits. But nobody starves on three decent meals a day.

People come here with all kinds of histories of compulsive eating and disorderly eating. No S is not a panacea, but turning to an eating pattern that so many slim and health cultures have used has always made sense to me. It doesn't necessarily happen without effort, but I'm fairly certain it's got the competition beat on that.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:21 pm
by gingerpie
Why does it needs to be overcome? We have all sorts of bodily sensations throughout a day and unless you think it's indicative of a medical condition I'd just put it down to "that weird thing that I experience from time to time". It certainly doesn't mean you have to toss out the program every time it happens. Our brains create all sorts of crazy reasons why we "can't" do something. No-S is one way to teach ourselves that we can.
