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This time I'm ready!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:52 pm
by colourmehappy
Hello, I'm back (although I didn't last long before) and this time I'm ready!

I'll share my story quickly in case it helps: last time I was here I was still in a very restrictive mindset. I stumbled acros NOS because I wanted to get rid of the binges, but I didn't realise that the reason for the binges was... not eating enough carbs and too much exercise. NOS immediately helped me to put more on my plate, but still not enough to sustain me. Binges continued.

So... I decided to recover properly. I reduced exercise, put on weight and stopped allllll restriction. It was exactly what I needed to do.

This has all been great but it has left me with a daily sugar habit (my teeth hurt) and a sense of confusion again. When is it appropriate to have treats, do I eat too much, yaddah yaddah yaddah. I want a structure for moderation that means I don't have to think about these things! And can still enjoy treats as treats.

PROs: keeps me mindful of carbs/protein/fat at every meal; eating slowly and appreciatively; not overeating and then relying on exercise to undo the damage. This is just a big waste of time and (actual) energy when I could be more moderate in the first place.

CONs: naaaah.

Thanks for having me in the community. I look forward to starting May challenge tomorrow after a one-day warm up :D

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:49 pm
by Soprano
Welcome back, sounds like you are ready this time



Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:19 am
by JohnStewart
In any case, in seeking after these things that are not eternal, they stay unfulfilled and custom assignment help ask why their lives never appear to be acceptable. There is no uncertainty that numerous individuals seeking after things other than God accomplish a proportion of happiness for a time.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:21 pm
by oolala53
It's not too late to jump in again. Did you stick with it so well that posting became moot? Or do you need a boost! Come see us!