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New And Desperate To End Binging

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:21 pm
by Tombo
Heya, I just signed up to the forum.

I first heard of the No S Diet a couple of years ago but never went through with it as some one on another forum criticised it for being "diety"

I am desperate to end my binge eating so I have signed up and I like the commonsense attitude of the approach and it makes sense.

I really want to end my binging, I am the fattest I have ever been and now weigh 110KG.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 5:40 pm
by Soprano
Welcome, it's a great way to end binge eating and develop a healthy to meals

Good luck :)


Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 5:48 am
by oolala53
Welcome! If No S is too "diety," we're pretty much doomed!

No S really helped me, but it didn't happen automatically. I still binged, or pretty close to it, on weekends for a long time, but I looked for improvement, rather than abstinence. My N days were such an improvement enough of the time that eventually, the tide turned.

Stopping bingeing and losing weight can often be two different endeavors. It can really complicate things to expect weight loss right away or steadily. It's usually better to stabilize eating and then work on reducing food later, and I don't mean after two or three weeks. It helps to have a stable pattern you know you can return to if things get too difficult when you cut back. Otherwise the binge-and-restrict cycle can easily get recreated.

Feel free to visit me on my thread and ask for more particulars. (I've been here for over 8 years, so you probably don't want to go and read the whole saga.)