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Back again, and an epiphany

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:27 pm
by Beth
WARNING: Very long post!
Hi guys, how are you all? I really have missed you, this is such a friendly board to belong to!
Well, I have had lots going on lately- hubby lost his job a few months back, while he was job hunting the kiddos stayed at home w/him and I was the breadwinner for a while. Talk about stressful! But now he is back at work, the kids are back in day care, and I have had enough of the overwhelming and conflicting world of dieting! I tried Nutrisystem, WW, South Beach, you name it- always hungry and always wondering what would happen when I lost the weight- I really don't want to count points/calories/carbs/etc forever, thus I am pretty much guaranteed to put that weight all back on. So I started thinking back, to the few times when I lost weight successfully, and even further back, to the time before I was overweight. How did I get the weight off? How did I get bigger to begin with?
Well when I was a normal weight (up to about age 22), I ate what I wanted (sometimes home cooked meals, sometimes fast food), but I never snacked. I also would have one plate of food, and that was enough to keep me satisfied. I did not get formal exercise then, but being younger I do know I had more muscle on my body (esp core muscle) and I was able to keep that muscle by walking to classes, etc. I started gaining weight and became overweight over the period of a few years- how? Well, when I was eating in the cafeteria at school, I would go back for seconds and thirds, esp desserts. I also snacked a lot in my dorm (I took like 21 hours for a few semesters, very very stressful), plus I was always going out and eating lots of fast food, huge ice cream sundaes, etc. I did very little movement except walking to classes- I was too busy studying. What changed over those few years?? Well obviously (to me, at least) the fact I was doing lots more snacking, eating seconds, and eating sweets than I used to do. Plus I was getting older, my muscle was being replaced with fat, and I was not getting much actvity. One day I went for my annual and was told my triglycerides were sky high- and that I was headed for a heart attack if I kept it up. That scared the crud out of me! I asked the dr what I needed to do, all he said was "exercise at least 3 times per week, stop eating so much fast food, fatty food, and sweets". So at the time, I did not know what a calorie or carb gram was. What I ended up doing: I only ate 3 meals per day, sometimes I would get fast food, but most the time it was food from the cafeteria, I would occasionally eat sweets, but not in large portions, no seconds on sweets or plates of food. I also did Callanetics (built muscles back up) 3 times per week, and still walked to my classes. In six months, I had my blood chemistry under control, I dropped a few dress sizes, and I had lost 30 pounds! It was so very easy, and I was able to keep it off for quite a few years after that, until my lifestyle changed again and I slowly gained my weight back.
Thereafter followed years of weight gain/weight loss cycles, going on NUMEROUS diets to lose and then gain the weight back w/interest.
When I was 36, I lost a lot of weight once again. This time it was after I gave birth to my twins. During the pregnancy, I was sick a lot, ate whatever I could keep down, and gained weight (which is of course good at that point). A few months after the birth, I was SHOCKED to get on the scale and learn not only had I lost my pg weight, but 20 more pounds besides that. I was mystified at the time, but now I think I know the whys of that weight loss (and no, I was not breastfeeding, although I did initially pump for a little while to supplement formula feedings). I was not working out at the time (believe me, I was getting whatever sleep I could get), but I was only eating 3 times per day. I ate various things, some fast food, some frozen meals, some fresh meals, some sweets. I was not snacking at all (at least at first). Slowly I started to gain that weight all back though- I would run to the fridge for an ice cream cone when the babies slept, I would eat whatever snacks I could to keep me happy and moving along, I would eat seconds and thirds at meals- and I was not getting exercise, still.
Then I went back to work, and the cycle of dieting/deprivation/binging started up again and again. And that is where I have been for the past 2 years- I gear up for some diet, tell myself it will work that time, buy all the tools/food/etc come up w/an exercise plan... and then it all falls to pieces. Sometimes it takes a month for that to happen, sometimes not even a day.
I have been drawn time and again to No-S, especially seeing it work for everyone else, but I have been scared. Why? I am scared of "falling off the wagon" again, scared of being painfully hungry/nauseous between meals, scared that this will not work for me, scared that the plan is so simple there is no way it can work.
But even with all that, I have to try it again. I have to learn to be gentle with myself on days I do not do the plan 100%. I need to avoid my scale for several weeks so I do not get into the habit of daily weighing/daily frustrations. I need to learn patience to stick with this plan and see it work over the long term, rather than some 10 pounds in 2 weeks deal. Looking back at prior to weight problems and the only two times I have been successful at weight loss, I can now see quite clearly that formal diets have never (and will never) work for me, I have known all along the No-S principles and have been scared to trust them.
So, I am back.
Thanks for sticking with my very long post there :D

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:38 pm
by hikermom
Welcome back, Beth.

Isn't it strange how we will shell out bucks for some complicated system, or try to follow some intricate "diet" plan which we can never hope to follow for the rest of our lives, yet the No - S plan is so simple, easy to implement and free that it scares us?

Before I started No-S, I also remembered the times in my life when I lost weight or was not over-weight and, yes, those were the times when I was eating three moderate meals, not snacking, and not eating a lot of sweets.

I looked my best before I got married. I shared an apartment with a "naturally" thin friend and I sort of absorbed her eating habits. She was the kind of person who would get an ice cream sandwich out for dessert after dinner, eat half of it, and put the other half back in the freezer! Can you believe it? When I ate like she did, I looked great but I wasn't worrying at all about counting or eliminating anything.

Well, enough rambling from me. I wish you the best of luck as you get started.

Oh, by the way, reading your post made me want to pull out my Callanetics workouts again!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:40 pm
by CarrieAnn
Enjoyed your post very much, Beth! Isn't is true that something so simple as No S is hard to trust. I have been on and off again on No S since last September and have tried different diets in between. I just started back again this last week and just finished 5 successful days. I just know that you can do it too! The best of luck to you, Beth. Your kids are adorable!

CarrieAnn :D

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:24 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Beth!
Welcome back!!!
Great piccie of your children!!!
Good luck and go for it!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:46 pm
by cab54
I just had to say that your kids are adorable! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:29 pm
by Beth
Thanks for the welcome back, and for the compliments on my kids! They are cutie pies, but we are most definitely in the terrible twos :lol: