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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:31 pm
by nonskanse ... 7&GT1=8605

Interesting article. I was totally into the "diet is better for your teeth" myth (turns out it is nearly as acidic as regular). Also says that diet soda may mess with your hunger signals.

I'm going to cut to 1-2 diet Cokes (my current numbers are 3-4) a day and try to get more water... I knew it was a good idea, but if it interferes with the weight loss, it has to go. Mostly.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:43 am
by pangelsue
Good plan, I think. Look up articles on artificial sugar and your health in general. The jury is definitely still out on it's effects on your body overall.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:14 pm
by nonskanse
I think the cancer causing, etc. may or may not be true, that is not my main motivation.

But if sweet things make your body produce chemicals to deal with lots of sugar, and you've been throwing sweet things with no calories at your body, then I (completely unscientifically) hypothesize that:
1. Your body thinks sweet things has no calories until proven otherwise, and delays good chemical production until the stomach sets off an alarm.


2. Your body thinks you are getting sugar all the time and your hunger signals get completely messed up.

Along with caffeine being addictive, if I have a diet coke when I'm a little hungry and it makes me a little more hungry, that is no good!

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:25 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Nonskanse and Sue!
I'd say cut it out altogether and have a few regular sodas on S days...
That is, if you like your central nervous system and brain...

8) Debs

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:26 am
by joasia
Well the artificial sugar causes cancer in lab don't trust it. I use to drink diet soda like crazy. Then I stopped for a year. I went back and tried it and it is very gross. I think it is habit forming. Now I never drink soda. Try stopping and then starting again. I bet the taste alone will turn you off.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:00 pm
by nonskanse
I have to get to the stopping first. I'm quitting slowly, and I'm sure weekends being S days I will let myself go on the weekend. But because of the difficulty of just stopping, I'm sure its habit forming.

But I am waking up a little easier on less caffeine the day before. Maybe because the fizz haunts my dreams, so I am more willing to wake up. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:00 pm
by david
Maybe you could save your sodas for S days and buy Mexican sodas instead of those locally bottled. They tend to be made with sugar cane syrup rather than HFCS. They are pretty sweet, but it reminds me of how soda tasted when I was a kid. You can also get "boutique" cane colas at health food stores, etc.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:22 pm
by Steve
I've kind of been weaning myself off of soda gradually:

1) (even before no-S) Give up regular pop mostly
2) Give up regular pop on N-Days; drink water instead of Diet Coke at work
3) Give up regular pop entirely; replace Diet Coke with diet root beer at home (caffeine-free)
4) (not there yet) Give up all soda at home (maybe just on N-days).

I figure I'll still have a diet-something now and then when I'm at a restaurant, and given that I don't eat out much anymore, it shouldn't be too big of an issue. The most important things for me are giving up the sugary stuff, and not drinking that carbonated, caffeinated, acidic diet stuff all day and night.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:41 am
by SecondChance
Thank you for posting the link. Reading this article finally put me over the edge and I stopped drinking soda entirely. (For many many years, I drank anywhere from two to four liters of Cherry Coke a day).

Now it's just water and unsweetened iced tea.

PS: Be wary of any of those "fruit" drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup. If you look at their labels, they have just as much sugar and calories as soda!


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:51 am
by Josie
:shock: Yes!! I indulge in one or two Daily! I also love a couple of cups of the Hot Bean Juice ( the vegetable~ COFFEE)! I don't have Coffee everyday but I do slurp down the Diet Soda with Zest and have since it first came out! Is it making me NOT lose weight??? LOL! I DON'T think so! Diet Rite has no sodium or caffeine and it is really good... Fresca and Diet A & W rootbeer is wowsers, too! Lift up your cup and get all you want! Manna From Heaven...
p.s..... Don't BELIEVE everything you read in THOSE studies...
They don't KNOW your Boday better than YOU do!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:24 am
by oliviamanda
Years ago my husband was a smoker and he would have his cig and coke for breakfast. His teeth have really suffered for it. When he quit smoking, it took awhile to get off the soda...but he's done it by switching to seltzer.

I personally don't like plain seltzer. But naturally flavored seltzer with a small amount of juice (especially a no sugar or sweetener added one) is great. It is almost like a wine spritzer. Refreshing and enjoyable and it can have the same bite as drinking a cold Coke.

Ever since starting No S almost 10 months ago, I have not even been able to drink a soda. When you don't have it, it tastes disgusting. Artificial sweeteners taste nasty, too. My husband is a veteran of the first Gulf War and there is speculation that Gulf War Syndrome could be aspartame poisoning. Needless to say we avoid aspartame like the plague, and it is in many diet drinks.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:19 pm
by Benjumanji
Just to present the other side of the controversy:

I personally drink 4 ounces of diet Pepsi a day. We have those little cans at work, and one is enough. I really think none would be better, because there certainly is no redeeming value to the stuff. But I don't think there is any scientific evidence that supports Arthur Evangelista's claims.

something to think about

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:15 am
by srbliss
Just saw this article today.

Sugar Linked to Teen Mental Problems

Oslo teens who drank the most sugary soft drinks also had more mental health problems such as hyperactivity and distress, Norwegian researchers reported Thursday.

Their study of more than 5,000 Norwegian 15- and 16-year-olds showed a clear and direct association between soft drink intake and hyperactivity, and a more complex link with other mental and behavioral disorders.

They surveyed the students, asking them how many fizzy soft drinks with sugar they had a day, and then questions from a standard questionnaire used to assess mental health.

The teens who reported skipping breakfast and lunch were among the heaviest soft drink consumers, Dr. Lars Lien and colleagues at the University of Oslo found.

"There was a strong association between soft drink consumption and mental health problems among Oslo 10th graders," they wrote in their report, published in the American Journal of Public Health. "This association remained significant after adjustment for social, behavioral, and food-related disorders."

Most of the students said they drank anywhere between one and six servings of soft drinks per week. Those who drank no soft drinks at all were more likely than moderate drinkers to have mental health symptoms, the researchers said. But those who drank the most — more than six servings a week — had the highest scores.

For hyperactivity, there was a direct linear relationship — the more sodas a teen drank, the most symptoms of hyperactivity he or she had.

The worst problems were seen in boys and girls who drank four or more soft drinks a day. Ten percent of the boys and 2 percent of the girls drank this much.

Copyright © Reuters 2006.


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:36 am
by Josie
:shock: That according to this article regarding teens and soft drinks, it is totally clear that we should NOT ALLOW our children to become TEENAGERS!! Problem Solved!!