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Brand-new to No S

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:12 pm
by GabbyGirl2
Hello! I am brand-new to No S. I am 66 years old and I have been on almost every diet known to woman. I have gained and lost weight numerous times, which I see is common to just about everyone here. My problem is not so much the food itself, it's the obsession. I think about food and weight constantly. I start over every Monday and then sabotage myself before the day is over. I overeat mostly sweets. I am so happy to have found No S. It is the most sensible, doable plan I have ever read about. I have been lurking for a couple of weeks, but started officially last Friday. That means I had one N day before two S days. I wasn't sure how to handle an S day. I ended up eating a lot of sweets. I have a question: how do you get through an S day without feeling as though you have completely gone overboard again? I started feeling very depressed, just like I used to. I didn't binge, just ate a lot. The depression wasn't really warranted, it was just a knee-jerk reaction. I have read that some of you do seven N days but allow desserts each day, and still lose weight(!). I think I need help enjoying S days as they were meant to be. Thank you for any replies.


Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:55 pm
by Jen1974
I do No S differently than most because I didn’t want weekends to feel like I had to get it all in while I could. So instead I do 7 days 3 meals & ask myself “do I need this sweet, snack, or second” & work to do it only when it’s really worth it. Normally I tend to “take the S” more often on weekends but knowing I can go out for ice cream or have seconds when I really want to during the week makes it easier to not go overboard on the weekends!! Good luck, this way of eating has created a much better relationship with food for me!!

Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:51 pm
by GabbyGirl2
Thank you, jen1974! Ice cream is my favorite food, unfortunately. I keep changing my mind over whether or not to keep it in the house. I drive my husband crazy. I'm glad you have a plan that works for you!

Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:55 pm
by GabbyGirl2
Sorry I didn't capitalize your name, Jen1974!

Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:24 pm
by GabbyGirl2
Hi, Jen - I read your reply again and it really intrigues me. I think it would help with the urge to eat all day on the S days, trying to get it all in, as you (was it you?) said. So if you have a sweet OR snack OR second on any particular day, how do you keep it from being every day? I'm not sure I can do that. Does it become easy with practice? I have also heard that we were never meant to go crazy on S days, but that's what I've been doing. Can you explain a little more? Thanks so much.

Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:55 pm
by Jen1974
Hi Gabby,

Sorry I didn’t respond sooner!! I’ve had a huge project at work & have been MIA from the boards :D

I don’t take traditional S days so all 7 days I stick to the three meal structure. Ideally I’d have 3-5 “splurges” during the week which for me are usually desserts or seconds. I keep track on the app “Strides” but don’t have a hard limit because it would become “WTH” if I passed that limit. I write in what the splurge was for & if it was worth it on the app. I challenge myself to keep the number down & to not “waste” splurges. It helps me remember not to waste one on a snack I’m not hungry for & instead save it for something like ice cream or a brownie that is worth it. I’m better with gentle boundaries vs strict rules so it works for me, but others do better with strict rules. That’s what I love about No S, is that you can create a system that works for you :D

Re: Brand-new to No S

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:57 pm
by GabbyGirl2
Thanks for the reply, Jen. I will probably do some "modding" after I get more N days under my belt. So far I have had two N days, and am on track for three. My great goal is to get 21 days, which is very unlikely, but I can dream!