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So how are you all doing?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:03 pm
by Beth
I am, amazingly, starting to have more successful days than failures!
My hardest thing lately has been avoiding an afternoon snack. Something I have found that helps, however, is to drink glasses of water before my meals, during my meals, and after my meals (not my original idea, got this from a fella that recently put out a book about it). For some reason, not only am I satisfied longer, but the thought of drinking a bunch of water so I can have some sort of snack just does not seem worth it- much rather save that snack to eat with my evening meal, know what I mean?
I am still eating what I want right now, my first steps are to do the water thing, follow no-s rules, and walking. I am taking two 15 minute brisk walks per day. This is actually easier to do at work- I don't have two little ones clinging to my knees like I do on weekends :lol:
For strength building, I continue on w/my t-tapping.
So I believe that after several weeks, I will start to fine-tune what I am eating. But for right now, I want my other new habits to wear in well.
Oh and I am hiding my scale for now, as I tend to be an every-day weigher otherwise- and it always angers me to see a slight gain.

Name of Book?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:34 pm
by nanclan
What book did you read about the drinking of water? I am drinking water but not at particular times.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:02 pm
by Beth ... F8&s=books
But to be honest, what I mentioned (drink 1 glass of water, 1 during, and 1 after every meal) is the general gist of the whole thing.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:47 pm
by doulachic
Beth, just curious as to how the T-Tapp is working for you? I am thinking of trying this myself, but since the dvd's are so spendy, i would like to know if it is worth it. My dental assistant lady swears by it, but she is skinny as a rail anyway... :P

thanks for any info! :D


Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:40 pm
by Beth
Tricia, it works great! The trick is to stay consistant with it! I lost a few clothing sizes when I was doing t-tapp on a consistant basis- but if you stop, you gain it back! The exercises are a mix of muscle/core building, cardio, yoga, dance theory, and pilates. She does have some moves on her site that are free to try (look under try before you buy). Most important, their support forums are TERRIFIC- fellow tappers and trainers are very nice and helpful to anyone who comes posting looking for assistance. Actually, I first heard of no-s on the t-tapp website!
Anyway, feel free to jump on and look around, I think you would like it!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:22 pm
by doulachic
thanks! I think i will go ahead and order it...which ones should i order since i am a beginner? any ideas? i have heard a lot of good stuff about it so i don't have anything to lose by trying it, i figure.

thanks again! :D

What to order...

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:35 pm
by Beth
Well, it depends. You should order the More system if you have lots of pounds/inches to lose, lots of health issues, lots of candles on your birthday cake, etc- this system has helped many women for whom the Total System started out to be too strenuous.
But at one time, it was only the Total System (which is Instructionals 1 and 2, Beginning/Rehab, and Basic Plus DVDs), which is what I started on. If you order that system, you should do your Instructionals for a while to get down the moves/form (believe me, they are a workout themselves!), then you can proceed to Basic Plus for a little while, then progress to Beginning/Rehab. The site appears to be down right now (Maybe the webmaster is putting up the before/after pics of the latest T-tapp challenge winners?), but hopefully it will be back up very soon!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:55 pm
by doulachic
ok, thanks again! :D