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Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:44 pm
by RobinM
I wanted to share a book that I think complements No-S. It's called "Lean Habits For Lifelong Weight Loss: Mastering 4 Core Eating Behaviors to Stay Slim Forever" by Georgie Fear. It's a habits-based approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weights. If plain vanilla No-S isn't fully getting you there, it contains habits that might make good mods. The habits you practice include these main four:

1. Eat three meals a day, no snacking. Once you have this down, you add..
2. Wait until you are experiencing physical hunger before eating. Once you get good at that, you add another habit...
3. Eat just enough - stop eating at comfortably full, not overfull. And then you add..
4. Eat mostly whole foods.

There are many habits beyond that to tweak things if those four habits aren't enough, but for most people they are. I find this system works well to help clean up my eating a bit more.

Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:37 pm
by Soprano
Sounds sensible


Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:52 pm
by pinkhippie
I have read that book. It does complement No S really nicely. It just adds that extra boost on waiting 30-45 minutes after hunger before eating for weight loss.

Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:11 am
by Kittson
I have that book too! I read it after reading No S. While reading I often thought that Georgie Fear must have read No S. LOL

Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:48 pm
by Over43
Two books that I have come across over the years was, "The Nautilus Diet Book" and that is from years ago, and then one of Kenneth Cooper's books, possibly "Start Strong, Finish Strong".

Ellington Darden's "Living Longer Stronger" was a hybrid of the three meal a day approach, but suggested a slimfast for breakfast (I think), lunch, dinner, and a PM snack, or a low calorie beer.

Anyway, as long as planet Earth has humans we will be writing diet books of some-kind. Hopefully the Soylent Green 100 Recipe Cookbook is not one of them.

Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:56 pm
by oolala53
I just want to say I am so nerdily happy that "complement" is being used in the standard way, though the internet is likely to cause it to disappear and be replaced by compliment. I see that almost exclusively now.

If I waited until I was actually hungry, I would eat 1.5 meals a day. It has been a few years since I was actually hungry for three meals. I might be if I ate very tiny meals but that is so unpleasant that I would have to be fighting cancer or something dire to do it. I would also have to be extremely precise with my nutrition, like the people who purposely eat around 25% of normal BMI maintenance. I already eat almost all whole foods.

Though Reinhard never made a big deal about whole foods, when you look back at what he ended up eating, it is close to that.

Anyway, dear readers, step carefully to see if you are ready for each stage. I wish I had been ready for higher ratios of whole foods earlier on, but I think I would have rebelled. I never gave up but accepted that I just had to keep adjusting. If you have a present or close-to-it health issue, I gently suggest you surrender to these restrictions sooner.

Re: Book that Complements No-S

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:11 pm
by Over43
So I bought Georgie Fear's book. I have started it, but I still need after work nap time, and then in bed early, probably because of My Corona. I do like what I have read concerning habits instead of food. I recall Reinhard's interview with Jimmy Moore. After the interview, on Jimmy Moore's old group, People went into apoplexy when Reinhard said that S days were days to enjoy foods we would not eat during the M-F stretch. For them, it was about the carbs. Two S days would rattle their induction, they would have to "start over". I had to chuckle at that, and when I tried to explain to a few, well, I was the Anti-Atkins.

Anyway, so far, I have appreciated what Ms. Fear has to say. I look forward to pressing on into her book.