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Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:01 pm
by mommashell
I said I don't weigh her every day or even close. She gets it just whenever she sees me with the scale, because she likes to hear it talk. It's funny how I feel about weighing. Most people I would feel do not need to weigh every day. But I am the exception. I'm very happy when I lose, but when I gain, unless it's an exhorbantant ammount like two or three pounds in one day, I'm not really sad, I just go, ok, what did I do yesterday that might have caused this gain/ For instance, yesterday the scale said I weighed 224.6 up from 224.2 and I kind of reflected on my choices that previous day and realized that I had probably just eating more meat than I should have at dinner. So yesterday I just made a conscious effort to reduce the size of my plate. And to pay attention to how much meat I was eating. (Because the meat we bought was really good and it's easy to eat more than you're supposed to.) Anyway, this morning when I weighed I was 222.6 I think. So I was thinking, wow, I didn't starve to death, I controled my portions a little and look what happened? Of course, I think also, because of the fact that I'm really *trying* to be healthy, my Totm gain which is probably also what that was, wasn't nearly as much as it would have been. Maybe I'm just kidding myself but I have all the simptoms of that. So insteading of gaining a few pounds I only gained a few ounces and now am losing again.
So I guess the scale, for me, is kind of like an affirmation/accountability thing, and the more weight I lose, the less of an issue it will become. Another part of the reason I weigh daily is that I'm always worried that my weight will fluctuate up on a given day like it did on Monday, and then I really would be depressed and going well I only lost two tenths of a pound because I wouldn't know that I actually lost more but my weight had fluctuated. Now it's like Ok, so you had purple cow that's all, don't dispair. You weighed this much before so you'll lose it again, no worries. Anyway, I'm just two pounds from reaching my first milestone, ten pounds. Of course I have a lot more to goIn June of 2002 I was 168 pounds, and my long term goal is to get past that. I don't have a date as dates just put more pressure on me. Anyway, right now I have to get ready for a meeting at the blind school with my old art teacher who heads up the parent resource center there. I will talk to parents and meet their babies and it will be a blast! They always love to see blind people functioning as regular people.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:21 pm
by wosnes
I have to weigh daily because of heart failure; it's the easiest way to determine if I'm retaining fluid. I hate it, but it sure lets me know how I'm doing!

I find that the little gains -- or losses -- on a daily basis don't tell me a lot about my actual body weight and aren't very reflective of anything I did the day before in terms of what I ate. It's the trends...consistently going up a few tenths of a pound daily or (best!) going DOWN a few tenths of a pound daily.

Going up a few tenths of pound from one day to the next might actually have more to do with the weight of the food you ate the day before than gaining weight from it. It takes several days for extra calories to become extra body weight.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:57 pm
by Rosemary
wosnes, I like to weigh myself but, because I know how it fluctuates from day to day, I've been keeping a daily record and averaging my weekly weight. Now, in my sixth week, I can see the big picture - I've been losing just over a pound a week.

That might not sound like much but, I'm loving what my tape measure is showing!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:05 pm
by mommashell
Hi, thanks for the reflections and observation. I just like it because if I don't have that little reminder every day of how I'm doing, especially on days liketoday, I don't always make the right food choices. For example, I always have this weird pattern where I lose toward the end of the week but at the begininning I always gain a little. Like I said, it doesn't work for everyone at all, but since I have no tape measure and my clothes never seem to fit that much differently, I have to do something. But that gives me an idea. Maybe they make a braille tape measure but then it's probably made with you know, steel or something.
And it would work well for measuring your body.
Rosemary wrote:wosnes, I like to weigh myself but, because I know how it fluctuates from day to day, I've been keeping a daily record and averaging my weekly weight. Now, in my sixth week, I can see the big picture - I've been losing just over a pound a week.

That might not sound like much but, I'm loving what my tape measure is showing!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:24 am
by doulachic
I will talk to parents and meet their babies and it will be a blast! They always love to see blind people functioning as regular people.
Shell, you ARE regular people! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by mommashell
Hi Doulachick. I know that I am regular people and everyone who knows me knows that too, but sometimes partnes of blind children are afraid that their children won't turn out right, and I speak from experience when I say that not all blind people are "regular people." just hang out at any blind convention sometime and you'll see what I mean. There are a lot that are "regular" people but some of them, due to lack of socialization or just a string of really bad breaks, or lack of motivation, turn out not so regular. Really, we're just like sighted people in that reguard, but since there are fewer of us, it's easier for us to stick out so the not-so-regular people are the ones that people remember. Now as for being normal and regular, I'm not always so regular. You have only seen me on this list, so that's maybe a bad example. You haven't seen me having a not so regular people kind of day. And believe me, i do have those too.
doulachic wrote:
I will talk to parents and meet their babies and it will be a blast! They always love to see blind people functioning as regular people.
Shell, you ARE regular people! :D

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:25 am
by jwynia
Also remember that if you weigh yourself and then drink a 20 ounce bottle of water, you'll weigh 1.25 pounds more than before.