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My NoS success

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:09 pm
by Twist
Hi everyone,

I've been a member on here for a few weeks now, but this is my first post. I first read about NoS on Dietblog. It seemed so simple it might just work, so I came on here and read all about it, read other peoples' experiences with it, and decided to try it. My problem has always been deciding just what is meant by the word "moderation". I would either have no cake or eat it all, and I somehow believed that if I wanted to be healthy, I could never eat butter, salt or anything "tasty" again. I'm sure most of you know all about that "Oh well, I've blown the diet now, might as well eat the whole thing" feeling.

As I was reading peoples' posts, I saw others struggling to make it to the 21 day mark and I wondered why they found it so hard, after all, you'll be able to eat it this weekend, why can't you just wait till then. Then I tried it myself and realised, yes, it takes a LOT of willpower to resist temptation. Of course, I put off starting until the following Monday, then had a couple of good days, then on Wednesday fell off the wagon, and put off starting again until the following Monday. So, come Monday October 9th, I started again, and failed that very day. Instead of putting it off till the following Monday, I decided it was time to stop playing about and get down to business. The next day was a success :) , the following day wasn't :( . Thursday was a success, Friday wasn't.

So, I enjoyed the weekend, ate some S food (not too much), and started again on Monday the 16th October. I am now on my 24th successful day, and the habit is well and truly formed. I include my own exercise regime as well, 5 days a week, with weekends off. Personally I have a lot of willpower, so for some NoS "rules" I am not so strict, such as the one-plate rule. I always have a salad on the side at dinner, and sometimes for breakfast I will have cereal and toast, obviously the two don't go on the same plate! But, I always eye up my meal and figure it's about what I should be eating, if it was all on one plate (after doing weight watchers for 6 weeks I have a good idea of portion sizes).

My parents live quite far away and I only see them about once a month, when they visit, it is always a weekday, and they bring lunch, which always includes 2 small pieces of cake, which we cut up and share between four of us. I have decided to call this my "S lunch". This is a personal rule-breaking I have allowed myself, I know my own limits and this small discrepancy wont screw up my habit because of my iron will.

Last night after dinner I wanted chocolate, and I felt sure I was going to cave in, but then I thought back over the last few weeks and the chocolate just didn't seem so important anymore. Instead, I took a teaspoon of honey, melted it in a third of a cup of boiling water, topped it up with low-fat milk, and had a nice bedtime drink that helped me sleep.

I just wanted to share with everyone who is trying to gt to that 21 day mark, it can be done. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:44 am
by gratefuldeb67
Good for you!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:49 am
by benjishi
good job!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:05 pm
by Twist
Thank you both :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:14 pm
by Writer110
That's so great! I can't wait to get to that point! Thank you so much for letting me see that people can struggle at the beginning & then get it. :D

Hey Twist!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:54 am
by Rollo
Love your name! And I enjoyed reading your post. I would be so interested in hearing a little more about your success. Any pounds coming off?

This board is so similar to my quit smoking board, even has the same format and I love it. My experience with the QSB was I posted like crazy for a while, not just posts about myself but helping others who were starting out too. I KNOW it's what make my quit stick! The 3 week mark is one that is often bandied about when it comes to smoking too, the first few days are of course the toughest, every week after that is a milestone of its own.

Anyway it feels great to be here, I'm finishing up day 4 and feel so positive about it. (I've been watching my diet a lot in the last few weeks, so the will power or withdrawal part might not be as difficult for me as some others.)