Newbie here! My story...

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Newbie here! My story...

Post by Rollo » Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:55 pm

Hello Everyone,

I've been going through diet hell for the last 3 months, since I quit smoking. Gained more than 15 lbs since that, mostly I believe from hormonal & metabolic issues that came about with the shock to the system of quitting. (I'm 54 years old...) I've been trying to manage the weight issue for the last 6 weeks but the pounds keep coming on, even though I've been eating less and exercising more. I've done a lot of low carbing in my day and it used to work for me. (Pasta, bread, potatoes, & sweets have been a rarity in my house for years..) But it sure isn't working right now. I was desperately looking for something different that might actually work for me. Found the No S site and was totally inspired reading Reinhard's philosophies. They make so much sense! (And I LOVE the way you write!)

Eating and snacking in the evenings have always been my nemesis, and I've known that it should ALL be cut out for a long time. But the snacking temptations would always be there (even though I had no junk food around I would end up eating SOMETHING.)

As I mentioned I recently quit smoking; I did it with the aid of a fantastic message board community. Been looking for a good community to join on the weight loss front. I feel like I may have found both a good way of eating and a good support group at the same time. I feel energized already! I need to lose about 30-35 lbs, but my first goal will be to get rid of the 15 I gained when I quit smoking. This program sounds SO DOABLE! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:09 pm

Good for you!!! You probably feel energized because intuitively, you know your energy will be well spent on NoS!!!
Awesome news about quitting smoking!!!!

Good luck here Rollo :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Re: Newbie here! My story...

Post by Twist » Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:19 pm

Rollo wrote:Found the No S site and was totally inspired reading Reinhard's philosophies. They make so much sense! (And I LOVE the way you write!)
That's exactly what drew me to into this as well. I read the whole home page through two or three times before starting, it just seemed like a light going on in my head. It made total sense to me, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of something similar myself. The thing I like the most is that Reinhards' advice is free, he could so easily have charged for those 14 words and made a ton of money, because it's obvious that people will pay for it. The fact that he didn't says a lot for his character, I don't know many people who wouldn't see this as just another way to benefit from others insecurities.

The part about personal responsibility is probably what got me moving in the right direction, and I have discovered that that applies to so much more in our lives than just weight loss. I have always known that we can take either the "poor me" road or the "I am in control of my own life" road, but it wasn't until I discovered my own willpower through NoS that I fully understood that it was true.

Very, very well done on giving up smoking :D . I was a smoker for just over ten years and I know how incredibly hard it is to give up, even with knowing how bad it is for you and having family and friends nagging you about it.

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