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Returning to No S

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 5:10 pm
by Iregirl

Hello! I'm Iregirl.

I've known about No S for almost three years now. I attempted it (half-heartedly) twice before but my downfall was taking too many S days both times. I got less serious about it and more willing to say, "Oh, we're going to so-and-so's place? I'll take an S day". Not very effective, that.

This time around I'm very, VERY inspired to go back to No S. We moved into a new apartment not too long ago and it's filled with mirrors! Mirrors on the sliding closet doors in the bedroom, a mirror over the fireplace, a three-way mirror in the bathroom (which might be the most horrifying of all). How can I ignore my weight when I have to look at it all the time? :wink:

I feel a little foolish doing it, but I'm going to incorporate visualization into my routine. I think I need to take some time every morning to reflect and reaffirm why I'm doing this.

So, that's my story in brief. Here's hoping I'm successful this time around, third time being the charm and all.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:03 am
by benjishi
"Oh, we're going to so-and-so's place? I'll take an S day". Not very effective, that.
Ouch. I see I am having this problem when I visit my girlfriend.

Perhaps we can be "buddies" for our daily check ins and help keep track of each other.

I'm just starting out too :)

Good job deciding to re commit!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:36 am
by zoolina
Welcome Back! I'm curious what your visualization will be--sounds like a good idea. Let us know if it works.

Too many S days--double ouch, no, wait: tripple ouch.

This December we're celebrating the Dutch holiday Sinterklaas, Channukah, and Xmas at the in-laws. That's about 13 extra S days all told.

Happy holidays!


Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:32 pm
by kccc
Welcome. :)

(I actually thought this was going to be a "getting back on track after Thanksgiving" thread, lol! There's a lot of leftover still around...)

But the "too many S-days" is a thing to think about during this season... I'm going to try to be a little strict about them.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:46 pm
by Iregirl
I'm curious what your visualization will be--sounds like a good idea. Let us know if it works.
zoolina, I'm just taking about ten minutes to sit or lie down quietly and literally visualize in my mind what my goals are. I see myself fitting into the clothes I want to wear, having the energy level I want to reattain and doing the sorts of things I used to do before I gained all this weight. It seems to really help to keep my goals in the forefront of my mind daily, even if it feels a bit strange to do it at first.
Perhaps we can be "buddies" for our daily check ins and help keep track of each other.
benjishi, I've started a daily check-in thread. Check it out.
But the "too many S-days" is a thing to think about during this season... I'm going to try to be a little strict about them.
KCCC, I know I'll have to try quite hard not to start labeling every second day an S day this Christmas. I'm Canadian, so Thanksgiving was last month for me but I was eating vegetarian at the time. I didn't get any turkey or stuffing, which makes me think I'll want to make the most of it this Christmas. I'll need to save up my S days for that!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:04 pm
by reinhard
Welcome back, Iregirl!

Here's another technique to add to your visualization routine: a calendar that you mark with green (success), yellow (exempt S days), and red (failures). Very visual, very motivating, and very seasonally appropriate (sort of like an advent calendar). I'll also help keep those quasi-official S days around Christmas in check.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:58 pm
by Iregirl
Thanks, Reinhard!

I'm actually using the Joe's Goals site, which somebody linked to on the Everday Systems board. It's been really helpful to have that visual reminder/verification, just like you say. Using it as my homepage keeps me from forgetting about it.

So, that plus my daily check-in thread are both keeping me honest.