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Tinkering - need advice

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:01 am
by mondurvic
Went to the Mindless Eating site (thanks so much for a great tip!) and signed up for their challenge. I love the way it's done, with customization and baby steps.

I did not select a weight-loss goal, but chose instead to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet, as they are greatly lacking. The three baby steps I undertook and have already attended to are:

1. Have a fruit bowl out on the kitchen table.

2. Have cleaned and cut up veggies and/or fruit in baggies and prominently placed on the top shelf of the fridge.

3. Have a serving of fruit or veg at two of my three daily meals.

OK, so the situation now is that fruit is right in front of me, and much as I usually detest fruit, the clementines looked good, so I ate two of them. This was not at a meal, but since I am trying to increase my intake of produce, I feel good about this "snack" and not bad. If I eat fruits or vegetables during the day (but JUST fruits or vegetables), I consider that an improvement, even if it's between meals. I think it will also end up in my eating less at meals, though that is not the reason I am eating them.

My question: Can such tweaking be incorporated into no-s?


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:02 pm
by reinhard
Except for the eating between meals, all those points harmonize perfectly with No-S.

I do #1 and #3 now. If dried fruit counts, I have fruit or veg with all three meals.

Regarding fruits in between meals: it's certainly better than the alternatives, but there is the danger that then you feel the right to let your meals become awful because you're "making up" with healthy fruits in between. Also, your meals will simply be more caloric without bulky, healthy fruit to crowd out denser stuff. And then of course, there is the simple danger of keeping the habit of eating between meals, a habit that might not always be content with mere fruit. If you feel you can navigate this danger, fantastic, but be aware of it.


Thanks, Reinhard

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:21 pm
by mondurvic
Your points are all excellent. Thank you. I will add to this thread as I go, to let you know how it plays out.


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:22 pm
by silverfish
My main problem with fruit is that it is stone fruit season here, there is a lot of beautiful fruit available and only so much one person can do about it :)


Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:17 pm
by reinhard

I'm not sure if you saw this recent post on this other thread, but it certainly seems like it's possible to lose significant weight while "reclassifying fruit and cottage cheese as non-foods."

Again, I can't recommend this based on personal experience, and I'd advise trying vanilla no-s first, but it is an option with successful precedent to consider if you find you're running into too much trouble.
