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Day two

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:53 pm
by iu
It is amazing how the guilt is already going away, about eating when you have a practical, goal, as "The No S Diet". I was always medium framed and weighed 138 when I delivered my first baby, and returned to about 118. When I turned thirty I quit smoking and started to gain 5 pounds a year. I began yo yo dieting (mostly Atkins) for the last ten years. The most I weighed was 174 and now I weigh 165. I said in another post, that I feel like this is the plan of eating I grew up with. Three square meals a day, leave the snacks alone, and have treats for birthdays, and celebrations. No wonder I was always thin......The Atkins diet made me feel like I should be eating the legal foods, as often as I wanted.....grazing to say the least.....This "No S Diet" leaves room for decision making and free will to practice will power.....It feels empowering to me, and I feel as though I just "Went Home".....I am now hopeful, relaxed, and enjoying eating real balanced one plate meals without sugar and seconds. Thanks so much. :!:

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:32 pm
by kccc
Very eloquent. And it really resonates... I too find the No-S a way of "making peace with food."

Everything tastes better without the side order of guilt. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:16 am
by USAFwife

Thanks for the comment

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:47 pm
by iu
I am so happy that my husband Steve who cheats on any diet, doesn't believe any diet can work, has on his own decided this one makes sense, and has come on board, so during the evening watching tv, he has stopped all snacks and is really applying no seconds which has been his downfall on Atkins, he would feast on the foods that were low carb!......For the weekend he is out purchasing our favorite treats we can have.....We both feel like we have graduated from dumb school, and have gotten back into the right place of learning. Food is such a gift, to be enjoyed. We really haven't enjoyed balanced food in a decade. In fact on Atkins you can't even have alcohol. So now, the two glasses of wine or beer are going to be on our menu. Life is improving so much in three days, thank you thank you thank you. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:51 pm
by Jaxhil
Well said!!

I am hoping to get my DH Jack to join me in this too :) I'm glad to hear you and your hubby are enjoying this! I love being able to have wine too :D
