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I'm new here.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:53 pm
by childbride
Hello, everyone. I'm new to No S - and on-line forums in general (which I always want to call "fora," but that's my Latin showing) - but I'm already impressed by the simplicity of the program and the supportive community here.

I've managed to lose and keep off about 60 lbs. over the course of 3 years - but only through crazy dieting, calorie-obsession, and generally making myself miserable. My goal is to get over my original goal of "lose 20 lbs. or else" and develop a healthy relationship with food.

Today is Day 1, and while not snacking has been very challenging so far, I'm looking forward to crossing the date off with a green marker at the end of the day!

I'm new here.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:06 pm
by Too solid flesh
Welcome. I think you've come to the right place.

Not snacking is hard at first, but it does get easier. Good luck!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:28 pm
by Jaxhil

Wow, 60 lbs, lost *and* kept off?!! That's great!

I am starting (again :oops: ) myself. This is the only plan I've found that I *want* to do-I find when I have stuck with this,I naturally make healthier choices, because I know if I don't I'll get hungry before my next meal! Every other plan I dread before I even start-I don't think I've made more than 1 day on any other plan!!

Anyway, good luck!! Glad you are here!


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:20 am
by childbride
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Yep, 60 lbs. gone...but through a lot of (unecessary) suffering. I'm glad to have lost that weight, but I really wish I had done it in a more sane manner. It's great to have found a way of eating to lose weight that is both effective and reasonable.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:41 pm
by Space_mom
Welcome, I'm new too, just finished my first week. It wasn't painful and I'm 2 pounds down! Amazing! I was baffled about not snacking at first, I had to resort to a glass of milk, which was enough to get me going till dinner time. Honestly, I had thought I'd starve with just a glass of milk mid-afternoon, but no... it's quite filling, and to tell you the truth, as the days went by I didn't feel as strongly that I had to have something. In a couple days I may be ready to let go of the milk snack altogether! Knock on wood!

Congrats on your past weight management, hopefully this time it won' t be so painful! I'll be rooting for you :)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:51 pm
by reinhard

No S is good for losing weight, but it's great for maintaining.

Best of luck and keep us posted,


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:52 pm
by jennzenn
Hi, I'm new here too...and I feel the same way as a previous poster mentioned (if I know I have to make it to the next meal...I make healthier choices)

This has been the number one thing that has given me amazing energy.

No more coffee and bagel mornings! It just doesn't cut it. And here I had been wondering why I was so tired all of the morning and afternoon.
Blood sugar imbalance anyone???

Since starting no-s.....there is no-s(leepiness) in the mid-morning!!!!
