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My experience with No-S and exercise

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:28 am
by Bee
I have been doing No-S since January and it is starting to make me EXERCISE! I am a lifelong non-exerciser, but I've been running lately (1 mile, regularly) and walking a LOT more than I used to.

I was thinking about it and I think it is because I really haven't lost much weight so far on No-S. Since I started being overweight, I always thought "I don't need to exercise more, if I could just eat less I would lose this weight, no problem". But, thanks to No-S, my eating habits are under control now, although the pounds are not melting off of me. To be fair, I haven't done No-S perfectly (I've had a few slip-ups, both minor and major) BUT I'm definitely building habits and getting better and better at being strict. And I have lost maybe a couple of pounds, but not enough to register consistently on the scale, and definitely not as much as I'd hoped.

So, I did all that I THOUGHT I needed to do to lose weight and it is not quite enough. It is clear to me now in a way that I never realized before that I need to exercise AND eat right if I'm going to have the body that I want. And THAT is what has finally motivated me to exercise. So now, thanks to No-S, I'm building good habits, both for diet and exercise. And even if I don't ultimately lose any weight, I think that these habits are going to be lifelong because I feel SO much better.

So in a way I'm kind of glad at how things are working out... if I'd just started losing a lot of weight just by doing No-S, I might not have discovered exercise. And now, even if I don't actually lose a lot of weight, I'm going to be healthier than I would have been otherwise because I will be doing exercise. For me, this is just one more hidden benefit of No-S. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:23 pm
by Jaxhil
It sounds like you're really doing great!!

I am in a similar boat, although I have only been noessing since Feb 28, and I've just started my 3rd set of 21 day cycles, yah! I am experiencing the same thing-I can see my eating is *finally* getting under control. I no longer think about snacking constantly or in response to stress. I know I've got a ways to go, but I can see the habit becoming more and more effortless.

Also like you, I have not seen any significant weight loss, if ANY. But I'm exercising more, much more-getting on my treadmill and doing my time. And I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I do! I am happy that I haven't felt like quitting even though it's slow-I am feeling so much better-I can get up and down easier, I can RUN (ok, *jog*) a whole mile without stopping, and so many other things. I feel alive again, know what I mean?

I am actually enjoying it (most days, :lol: ).

I agree, I feel for me, I need to do No-S *and* exercise to really reach my goals. I am looking forward to meeting them. This time, with No-S eating habits firmly in place, I know there won't be any going back!

You are right-it is so much better to be healthy *in addition* to the weight loss-knowing you're stronger, and more fit is a huge boost to your daily mood (for me anyway!). I mean I may be 50-60 pounds overweight, but I CAN run a whole mile without stopping...I know plenty of skinny people who can't say that!! 8)