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My daily Check in

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:15 pm
by fitchick
Hello everyone. I am sorry I am still in the dark about knowing how to post. So if you see my posts in some odd places that is why. I did very well yesterday. I had a day off from work and I did not have any sweets or snacks the entire day. For break I had eggs and cheese and 2 pcs of toast then for lunch I had a tostada and then for dinner I had a chicken soft taco with some chips but I didnt have any sweets or cake. :D

check in for 04172007

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:40 pm
by fitchick
Breakfast: 1/2 bagel with 2 pcs of bacon
1/2 cup of raisin bran skim milk

Grilled chicken
3 bites of nonfat yogart with peaches
new potatoes

Dinner: Still workin on it.

IF anyone would like to tell me how to improve my diet feel free.... :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:53 pm
by thtrchic
I think it sounds like you're doing great so far.

Keep up the good work!

Also, there's another page that you can post on that's specifically for check-ins. There lots of people will see yours and you can see what lots of others are doing. It's here:



Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:04 pm
by fitchick
Thank you I will try that. I am doing good. I have already dropped a couple pounds but I was doing a donut and candy bar on a daily basis.