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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:42 pm
by fitchick
I know I have tons of questions. So something like a eskimo pie ice cream bar has no sugar is that allowed on our Nos day like on Tuesday because it does not contain sugar or forget that kind of thing all together can we have sweets if no sugar is added :?: :shock:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:10 pm
by kccc
This has been asked a lot lately, so forgive a short answer.

If it tastes sweet, it's a "sweet."

Read the No-S home page all the way through - that will help. And go to the podcasts, and read/listen to the one on "strictness."

The issue is re-training habits and taste buds, and you can't do that if you fake them out.

Rest assured, the real deal will taste MUCH better on weekends. Promise.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:54 pm
by Jaxhil
I agree-if it tastes sweet its a sweet!

You'll be surprised when you get your first sweet on your s-days, at just HOW sweet they taste!! It's getting to where I can't eat much sweet (as in portion size) because it's just gross if I do! I can't believe I am saying this now, but it's true! A little goes a long way now, whereas before a lot wasn't enough.

I love No S :D

Just one more question

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:09 pm
by fitchick
I am doing really good. I have already dropped a couple pounds but I was eating a donut and a candy bar everyday. The person that invented this is pure genius...But on the weekends the (S days) are there no boundaries do you eat whatever you want or do you still watch food portions? :?:

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:58 pm
by storm fox
Okay, are berries a sweet, then? I found I got very sensitized to sweet things from only having desserts on S-Days. I was countin git thus:
Plain frozen berries or berries in oatmeal-not an S.
Berries with 100% grapejuice-counts as an S.

I kind of broke it down like this because I eat a good deal of fruit. Fruits have quite a bit of nutritional punch, and loads of fiber, etc. However, I think the grapejuice adds far too much sugar to keep it compliant, so I save the grapejuice & frozen berry smoothies as an S-Day treat.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:56 am
by The Preacher
Below is taken from the website. I find it helpful.

What do you mean by "sweets"?
I mean something whose principal source of calories is sugar. Go ahead and put sugar in your coffee or oatmeal; you have my blessing. Of course fruits are fine.
But beware of soda and corn syrup "juice" drinks. I'm not just being a killjoy; Americans get an estimated 10% of their calories from such nutritionally bankrupt "liquid carbohydrates." (footnote pending)

I wouldn't worry too much about borderline foods like yoghurt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If these are a problem for you, i.e., you eat them every day and lay it on thick, then make them esses. If not, don't. Just by targeting the really egregious offenders you'll be cutting out a lot of calories. And you'll be that much more likely to stick with the plan. If you're like most first worlders, it's a little revolting to think how much unambiguously crappy food you consume. So forget the borderline cases, the clear cut cases are 80% of the problem and 0% of the headache.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:52 am
by Kevin
Berries are fruit. Fruit is not a sweet. However, they still have to fit on the plate with the rest of the meal.
storm fox wrote:Okay, are berries a sweet, then? I found I got very sensitized to sweet things from only having desserts on S-Days. I was countin git thus:
Plain frozen berries or berries in oatmeal-not an S.
Berries with 100% grapejuice-counts as an S.

I kind of broke it down like this because I eat a good deal of fruit. Fruits have quite a bit of nutritional punch, and loads of fiber, etc. However, I think the grapejuice adds far too much sugar to keep it compliant, so I save the grapejuice & frozen berry smoothies as an S-Day treat.