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Having a hard time with intense hunger on very active days..

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:23 pm
by cab54
Argh. I have been Spring cleaning--I mean windows, shampooing carpets, gardening---and now I've been helping my mother (who had an MI last year while cleaning and so I don't want her to have another, and have been coming to her aid) --with her chores. Not to mention my dad (doesn't live with mom--divorced) --he is an invalid and needs care and help.

I am finding that on those days when I spend 6-10 hours working very hard, I am RAVENOUS at about 9 at night, even after a fairly hefty dinner. I mean my stomach feels as though it's against my backbone. And can't sleep due to hunger pangs. That may be the biggest problem. I have been doing OK on the no S, even with busy days, but this is painful! :wink:

I am 52 and my parents are aging/invalids--early 70's. I'm no kid anymore and this is hungry work! I'm trying, but have had to have a few crackers or cereal at night to sleep. Just a couple of times..... Help! What would you all do? I'm sure I'm burning a lot of calories :) but I don't want to ruin that 'burn' by going against the no S.

Signed--starving in Ohio :lol:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:02 pm
by kccc
Some ideas...

Start with milk - warm, if you like it that way. Technically okay on No-S, but has some calories and protein, so it's a bit filling (and will help you sleep).

See if that works for you. Also, check your meals for adequate protein - you need a bit more if you're working hard. Some extra, especially at dinner, may "hold" you a little longer.

Give those ideas a try before "tweaking" further.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:35 pm
by FarmerHal
I agree with KCCC. My goto super hungry solver is usually an apple with cheddar slices. Mmm. Small/thin slices of cheese though.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:18 pm
by reinhard

I second KCCC's milk vote.

It's liquid so it doesn't violate the literal rules and won't mess with your habit.

It's caloric and protein rich so it will satiate real hunger.

It's soporific so it will put you to sleep so you can stop worrying about this.

If you try this and it gets too bad, then maybe consider upping the meal count, but I would try this first.


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:37 pm
by Bee
Sometimes if I get hungry after dinner (this is becoming less and less frequent the longer I do NoS) and I really want a snack and I'm about to cave, I will have a beverage and tell myself that 30 minutes after that, I will reassess the situation. I'm not a big milk drinker (but milk is a good one) so usually I have a cup of herb or decaf tea but sometimes I will have a glass of water with a splash of pomegranite juice even a glass of wine. Something delicious that you can sit down and enjoy for a few minutes while you relax. This always works for me. If it doesn't completely wipe out my hunger (it usually does), it at least gives me a few minutes to really consider how important it is to me to have a snack vs. building habits. Also, I figure if after my drink and 30 minutes if I feel just as painfully hungry as I did before, well, at least that is more legitimate than automatically reaching for something when I get a grumbly tummy.

Also, another thing to think about is that maybe your body will adjust to all of this increased activity without increased number of meals after a while. If you hang in there and keep building your NoS habits while you're doing more physical activity, perhaps eventually your body will realize that it gets 3 meals a day and no more and it will give you a break with the night time munchies.

Good luck and keep on truckin, and remember, you're doing great things for yourself and you deserve it!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:02 pm
by cab54
Thanks Reinhard, and all you NoS'ers!

The milk sounds like a good idea. It won't make me feel as guilty as solid treats and I do like it warm, -- it used to help me sleep. Don't know why I forgot about it.

I will try that. I won't feel all is un-done.

The good news is that my current pants are getting looser thanks to no S and all this work! I noticed last night my upper arms are more slender and my neck and face look decidedly more narrow. I hadn't noticed, I've been so busy! :D

I'm not a scale person, I go by clothing fit.