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Fresh meat

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:54 pm
by Blondie
Ok, so I actually started last Friday 7/1, and I don’t think I’ve slipped (maybe an errant piece of fruit before a workout??), but I haven’t been writing it down, so, to satisfy my borderline anal-retentive need to track things, I’ll start at Day One. First, a little about me <cue the old Dating Game music>.

I’m pretty active. I workout 5-6 times a week, which means swimming, running, kickboxing and step classes, and strength training (I know, this is sometimes more than 5-6, but sometimes they are combined, e.g. if it’s a short run I might also swim or lift). I do running races and triathlons (only the “sprint” distance, so far!). Also, I walk to and from work (2.5 miles each way) unless I’m super late or it’s pouring (like today). I live in the city and don’t own a car, so I also walk to the grocery store, etc. It might sound like a lot, but please understand that this is not overdoing it for me. I’ve never struggled to keep it up, it makes me feel good, and helps with some of my medical issues. I never run into the issue of forcing myself to exercise (also known as the-best-recipe for non-stick-to-it-edness) because if I don’t feel like working out on a given day, I just don’t. It’s my lifestyle and it’s been this way since I was a kid. Sorry if I sound defensive--I know this might be different from the experience of a lot of folks on here—but you all seem so accepting of everyone’s different circumstances, I just don’t want people to pin the “obsessive” label on me…

I am 30 years old, 5’4”, and I think I look and feel best at around 125, which is where I was in the summer of 2002. Currently I’m around 145--not technically overweight (or not very, at least, especially considering my muscle mass), but I’m over what I think my weight should be and always has been, until about two years ago [insert boring, self-pitying sob story about my divorce, knee surgery, diagnosis of a weird kind of arthritis, etc.]. Anyway, it may seem odd that I could be this active and still need to lose 20 pounds. Yes, I too, scratch my head at life’s little quirks. To look at me, you wouldn’t say I was heavy, I don’t think, and I don’t think anyone would guess my true weight (I’ll see if I can find a recent pic). In any case, I want to lose around 20. (I know my fitness and speed would increase dramatically by losing it!).

I haven’t tried any kooky diets because I’ve never thought anything but a calorie deficit was logical…but the logical thing also always seemed the hardest to do, with either counting calories, weighing food etc, or adhering to the vague advice in health and fitness magazines etc to reduce portion size (doesn’t hold me accountable enough, maybe?) or have a healthy snack (too much leeway for me), but I am definitely good with rules (I find the comically strict thing to ring true for me) so if I know I can’t have a snack (or sweets), I just can’t, end of inquiry. Add in S-days to eliminate the deprivation issue and la viola!

I think my problems (aside from an injury and a medical condition that sidelined me from exercise for a while) are portion control and emotional eating. These issues are new for me in the past few years--I was a skinny little kid and a very slim teenager and young adult, with no eating issues to speak of (being suddenly single and alone can do things to a person, apparently… I think for me this will be a reconditioning to where I was before—it’s amazing that three years of relative unhappiness could have derailed me so much, but hey, live and learn…but I digress). SO! the one plate thing and no non-meal eating should be right on for addressing my particular issues—in fact I’ve already seen pretty startling results over the last week.

Whew. Sorry to be so long-winded. I promise I am usually much more charming. Anyway, look for me on the daily check in board. Like I said, I’m about a week into it, but today will officially be Day One <cue Darth Vader music>.


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Blondie! Welcome...
You sound pretty fun! I'm not pinning any obsessive label on you... But since you mentioned it, taking care of ones health, in a manner that is enjoyable and effective is something worth being a little obsessed with anyway... Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies, so why not get ourselves psyched up to take care of ourselves? You have to feel happy about you no matter what weight you are, and you have a right to feel comfortable with your body... Go for it!
I am very impressed with your background info!!! I think most of us will find loads of inspiration from hearing about your lifestyle...
You seem like a veritable whirlwind of determination and energy!!!
So good luck with your goal and I am very much looking forward to reading more from you!!!
(cue Beethoven's Ninth Symphony....)

8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:11 pm
by navin
Welcome aboard, Blondie. (OR is your name "Yeah", since that's what you signed your last message with? :) )

Anyhow, you seem to have much wisdom, and I think the no-S lifestyle will fit you pretty well. At the very worst, you will just not gain anything, and develop some good eating habits. From my own experience and reading these messages, I've heard of people (it's happened to me too) stagnate for a lilttle while and not lose much, if any, but I haven't heard of anyone who's stuck to this plan in earnest and gained a significant amount of weight.

And considering most weight gain is the slow, steady type that happens over a lifetime, not gaining is a victory in itself.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:43 am
by reinhard
Welcome, Blondie. You sound just anal enough to stick with the rules but not so anal that you'll drive yourself crazy with borderline issues. Very promising! Keep us posted.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:48 am
by Blondie
Thanks, Deb, Navin, and Reinhard. Getting ready to go camping. Hope everyone's Sweekend rocks.

Deb, you may be the sweetest, most supportive poster I've ever "known." And I love some of the music references you've made (anyone who mentions The Who is a-ok with me).

Navin, I know we've only known each other 4 weeks and 3 days, but to me it seems like 9 weeks and 5 days. :lol:

Later, potaters.

Blondie a.k.a Mandy a.k.a. Moving Quoting Fool (The Jerk is a modern classic).

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:20 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Blondie! Have a groovy trip camping! I may just do the same thing in a few weeks on a beach out east here on Long Island!
And you are pretty cool yerself!
Anyone who mentions the Jerk is pretty excellent in my opinion... I can't speak up for Navin R... but I'm sure he feels close to you too!
He's away picking you out a thermos now, and eating some pizza in a cup!
"Long Live Rock!!!"
And NoS :D
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:26 pm
by navin
Heh, I certainly relate to that movie any time I try to do any home improvement... turn a little shack into a somewhat bigger shack just like it! :P

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:33 pm
by doulachic
My favorite line from The Jerk: "He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!" :lol: Oh, I love that man...