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Getting back on track?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:48 am
by Betty
The first N day after my first set of S days was a failure. Sigh. Any tips for getting back track after loosening up for 2 days?


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:09 am
by rose
Your message was pretty vague!
I suggest you analyze what went wrong
and take steps to remove the temptation
if possible, or find workarounds.
In the beginning you need "crutches" to
support your new habits. That seems usual.
The thing is, not everyone needs the exact
same crutches.

For instance (depending on situation):
* make sure there isn't any snack food
or sweets left at home on N days.
(throw it away or give it to some neighbour)
* make sure that you don't carry any change
in your pockets if you have a tendency to buy
sweets or soda from vending machines.
* wear a special N-day ring on your
forefinger, or a special bracelet, so that
you can't just _forget_ that seconds are not
allowed (wear it on the hand you use for eating)
* have an answer ready (polite and confident)
for people who tempt you with food.

If it helps you can describe precisely how
you failed, people on this board may have
suggestions that apply precisely to your

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:29 pm
by ClickBeetle
That's all right! You are new to this, correct? Tomorrow is another day. Instant success is not to be expected. It does get easier! Make sure you have plenty to eat at meals, and it may be easier to stay on track between meals. Also, be sure and report how you did (if you like) -- I think it helps me stay proudly motivated ...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:20 am
by Betty
Well, the first N day back went pretty well until just after dinner. We were relaxing in front of the tube with a glass of wine and I just caved. There was a voice in my head that said: "Some crackers would sure taste good right now" and before I knew it I had had enough cheese and crackers to constitute a 4th meal.

I like the idea of drinking a glass now and then, but maybe it just makes it too hard to think clearly and resist temptation.

Second N day went better. I ate really lavish meals, though, and won't lose any weight if I keep that up.


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:57 am
by ClickBeetle
Build the habit first, then worry about losing weight.

Eat plenty of filling fiber. Eat plenty of produce. This helped me.