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S day

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:08 am
by Betty
Made it to another S day. It's satisfying to have done the second week but now I feel like I can't stop snacking.

So my question is, how eSSy are your S days? Does the feeliing that you need to gobble up everything in sight to make up from a week of (relative) deprivation ease over time? It's not sugary snacks that's my problem (I mean, I like them and do crave them sometimes but don't feel deprived without them) It's snacking that I seem to have the biggest problem with.


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:29 pm
by ClickBeetle
Don't worry about it. Go ahead and snack! This is the outlet you've been waiting for all week.

Next week Monday through Friday will be easier if you know you can do whatever you want on the weekend. It's all about delay.

(It will only be a few weeks before the weekends begin to calm down on their own -- that's your new habit forming!)