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New Member

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:14 am
by ClaireC
Hi, I've been doing the S diet for about a month and have been doing really well, I lost a few pounds and was maintaining it without much effort. However, I have just been made redundant and am finding being at home all day too much of a temptation. I've already eaten two boxes of choccies given to me as leaving presents and just keep nibbling away out of sheer boredom! Any tips to try and stop this behaviour? I have always been a comfort eater and a chocoholic, not a good combination!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:39 am
by ClickBeetle
At pain of seeming really obvious ... I'd say -- join a class offered by your local arts council, take up a hobby that gets you out of the house, make appointments all over town for informational interviews / job exploration, go to the pool and swim laps, or just schedule a nice long walk every day around the time that seems to be the most tempting for snacks.

So sorry to hear of your redundancy. Must be stressful as well as boring - worst of both worlds.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:57 am
by Jaxhil
I feel your pain :P I too tend to eat out of boredom, and chocolate is the WORST temptation!! or best depending on your point of view 8)

I agree, I find that if I keep myself busy with something that I enjoy, it keeps me from eating, because soon enough it slips my mind as I get involved with my distraction. What works for me is sewing, knitting, reading-and in desperate times, even the dreaded HOUSEWORK (ugh!! lol) will do the trick.

When the munchies strike, try having a glass of water, tea, coffee, or even juice, to stave off the urge to snack. Then move on to your distraction of choice. Maybe gardening, if you do that, or going or a walk..there are many ways to get your mind off the problem. Perhaps there's a room you want to redecorate or rearrange or something. That would have the added benefit of burning calories as well!

Hope that helps! Hang in there and don't give up!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:53 pm
by reinhard
Welcome, Claire!

1. regift the chocolates or invite a few friends to polish them off for/with you this weekend. You don't want stuff like this around when you're building new habits.

2. No questions, N-days work much better when you're also at work. Being at home alone with the fridge does make this much harder. So wrack your brains for other reasons to get out. When you can't, I'm afraid you'll just have to be super strict. Put one of the no s magnets on the fridge to remind you to keep out. Or print out a sign. I wish they sold light sensitive fridge alarms that would go off when you opened them (perhaps with a loud series of "oinks") but I haven't been able to find any, so I'm afraid you'll just have to internalize this. It'll be hard at first, but habit will learn if you're strict.
