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idiot proof me

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:46 am
by Betty
I can accept that going overboard on S days is part of the learning process. However, I've run into a snag and hope that someone out there has some advice for me.

Ive just completed a perfect week. The first. Yay for me. And now, on an S day, I don't feel particularly compelled to snack or sweet. However, there's this pernicious little voice in my head that says: Go ahead, snack now because you can't in two days. The chocolate's there; eat it while you have a chance.

And this voice is strong. So the question is, do I treat myself because it's an S day or do I "stay strong"? Has anyone else run into this problem/feeling? What did you do?


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:56 am
by ThomsonsPier
There's no point in eating something you don't particularly feel like eating just because you can. You won't enjoy it and then you'll feel guilty about eating something you didn't need toe at.

I have, in the past, moved food about a foot away from my mouth before realising that I didn't want it. Putting it away again caused me to forget about it completely in the next few minutes.

One of the things I like about No-S is that it focusses very much on looking ahead rather than dwelling on missed opportunities. If you don't eat that treat now, you've got it to look forward to next weekend!

I don't keep count, but I'm fairly sure I've gone at least a month entirely on N-days just because I don't feel like a 'treat.' A treat is only a treat if you want it, otherwise it's a (not unpleasant) chore.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:03 pm
by paulrone
I know where you're coming from, Betty. I had the same issue until recently. I was reviewing the podcast on no s and one paragraph really caught my eye.

"I stuck the word "sometimes" in the exception just to remind you not to be an idiot. You can follow these rules to the letter but still stuff yourself if you are really determined to. But I don't think you can do it by accident -- you'd really have to be trying. Some people on the website have found it useful to attach more specific meanings to the word "sometimes," but for now I'll just leave it at "don't be an idiot."

That word, "sometimes", really hit home. Snacking or seconds or big desserts are not required. They are an option on S days. If I want seconds or a snack, it's OK. If I don't, that's OK, too. If my wife makes a dessert, I'll have a piece. If not, so be it. I won't go rooting through the pantry to find something sweet, though.

So I'm saying this: Eat the chocolate because you want the chocolate - not because it's there. If you don't want it, don't eat it. You'll survive, I promise.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:26 pm
by reinhard
Hi Betty,

I've found there is a two pronged solution to excessive weekends:

1) actively reward yourself. S-day treats should be opportunistic, they should be planned, something really good. You're going to treat your appetite better than it would have been treated by just grabbing whatever garbage is in the neighborhood, and it will be soothed. Those voices will be to busy saying "ah... thanks" to make trouble.

2) don't worry too much. Keep your focus on those N-days. N-days are more important in themselves, and unconsiously the habits you build during the week will start to carry over to the weekends. Adding extra rules for weekends is very risky. You'll resent them and be tempted to give up completely.
