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Suggestions for 1st S Day???

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:25 am
by lucdown
Hi there. I'm approaching my first S Day and wondered if anyone has any suggestions for how to structure the day? (Or should there be no structure?). Do you add your snacks onto mealtime to avoid the temptation of blowing the "3 meal plan"?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:00 pm
by wosnes
If your habits on a special day (or your habits on a no-s day prior to starting no-s) are to eat whatever, whenever all day long, then that's what you do on an S day. Get back on track on Monday. Over time you may find that you just don't feel as well when you stuff yourself and your habits will moderate on S days, too. They'll still be special, but without as much overindulgence as previously.

I allow myself a pastry at breakfast on weekends. At meals throughout the day I allow myself things I don't usually eat on no-s days. Aside from that, there's no "structure" to my S days. If I find myself snacking or having seconds or sweets, I just recognize that it's okay because it's an S day and I'll be "back to normal" on Monday or the next day if it's a holiday or personal S day during the week.

Sweets are my thing. I might snack or I might have seconds, but rarely do I do both of those. I'm more likely to snack than have seconds. It's not a plan; it's just the way it is for me.

You'll probably get as many different answers to your question as there are people who respond to your post. How do you typically eat on a special day? Do what works for you and what you're used to doing. Don't get too caught up in what's "right" or what others do. What makes this work is that you make it work for you rather than trying to fit your life to work the plan or program.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:54 pm
by lucdown
Great suggestions. Very sensible. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:58 am
by navin
I agree that everyone does S days a little differently.

I still stick to the 3 meal plan almost always. Sweets are my S of choice... I rarely have a snack that's not something nice and sweet. I also sometimes have a pastry, donut, or even chocolate cake for breakfast on Saturday.. or maybe make scones or something, and not feel too bad if I just wolf 'em down.

So I don't go super-overboard, but I don't really restrain myself much either.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:04 pm
by reinhard
My only more or less universally applicable suggestion is to plan to eat something nice (and don't stress).

Planning something nice will:

1) be nice in itself, and that's something
2) placate your appetite so it doesn't just run wild and eat whatever is in sight because it can.

There is a wide range in terms of how people react to S-days here. At this point, you just don't know where you fall. View this first weekend as a data gathering experience and then use that data to think about what next steps (if any) are required.


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:57 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Ditto to what Reinhard said, and I would like to add
Take a break and don't try to over control it.. That's what you need to do on N days..
Focus on N days..
And "Don't be an idiot" and have a whole gallon of ice cream washed down by a dozen donuts :mrgreen:
Peace and Love,
8) Debs


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:33 am
by lucdown
Well, my first weekend of S days is almost over, and it definitely was an interesting experience... After having almost no sleep on Friday night in anticipation of "breaking loose", I was surprisingly unappetised by the thought of any treats. I did still eat in an uncontrolled way, but nothing seemed to "hit the spot" (even my very favorite lemon meringue pie and dutch liquorice!!!). I felt bloated and not good about myself (different to my no S week) and felt like I was undoing all the good work I'd done. I'm still processing what this all means.
Back on board tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:45 am
by ClickBeetle
Very interesting, lucdown. What do you think that is telling you? It would be useful, perhaps, to learn!

first day

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:00 am
by jobo
I have been using this way of eating for now 11 days. What I tend to do is for each meal take out what I plan on eating that meal. This always includes a piece of fruit, which I use as my dessert. I love sweets, so the piece of fruit has become my sweet. This seems to have been working for me. I do not have a scale, but my clothes fit better and I feel better. This weekend the S days were better then I thought. I did have a sweet on Sunday, but it was manageable, not like how I would tend to binge. :D Everyone has their own way to work this. We are creating a way of healthy eating for ourselves. I use the NOS System as guidlines. After all we are all unique and beautiful in our own light.
good luck but mostly be present when you eat.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:09 am
by reinhard
Welcome, jobo! Treating fruit as dessert (on the same plate, mind you!) is totally legitimate (and smart) no-s. Since fruit is the sweetest thing you can eat during the week, you'll no longer see them as a nutritious chore, a kind of medicine, but as something to be enjoyed in its own right. Fruit is why we can taste sweet -- it's why we have this sense to begin with. And if you give it some room, as No-s does, I think you'll find it can abundantly satisfy it.


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:36 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Jobo!
Your last entry here was music to my ears!
Beautiful! :D

My personal fave fruit of choice as dessert, and sometimes a main course, is a good ripe canteloupe!

Peace and Love,
8) Debs