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beginning again

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:46 am
by ou812
Hi. I was doing no s for a couple of months, but slipped out of habits and routines and now it is time to begin again, hopefully this time with my wife on board. I did lose weight and felt better about myself. I felt like I was in control. Now, I have slipped back into old eating patterns, mostly eating snacks at night. I need some encouragement to get back on track. Thanks. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:08 am
by lucdown
Hey ou812
Welcome back. I've only been doing this 2 weeks and can really relate to the slip ups. It's helpful for me to hear that you think this is all worth it (and that the alternative isn't).
Good luck. You know it works. Nothing can be as hard as the way you probably feel about yourself now.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:12 am
by tuckdown
Welcome back. I've only been on no s for 10 days but feel it really makes sense. Make sure you ask for the support you need- we're all in this together.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Habit and routine are our friends! Welcome back and good luck! (Or, even better, good willpower! :D )

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:51 pm
by reinhard
Welcome back, ou812. It takes most people a few tries to really get this. Just keep on starting over. It'll take if you keep at it.

One thing you might want to do to help you bounce back quickly is keep a habit calendar (either using the online habitcal or a paper one). You can start now, or keep it in reserve as a response to a slip up. Maybe say any slipup will result in a solid month of habitcaling. That way you have something very concrete (but moderate and non-self revengey) to do as an emergency response.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:25 pm
by florafloraflora
Welcome back. It's taken me several tries to get into the NoS habit, and it's an ongoing process--I don't want to get smug about it.

One thing that has really helped me is to start marking my days off on a paper calendar in my kitchen. Daily check-ins on this site felt a little too public for me--they did help me stay on track, but I didn't necessarily want to tell everybody about my bizarre breakfast of tuna fish salad topped with Wheaties, or whatever. And this site's HabitCal doesn't work with Firefox, which is the browser I use most often, and anyway I don't always have Internet access on weekends.

I never used to be a paper-calendar person, but I dug up the one I got for Christmas and started using it, and it's really working. Now, each night after dinner, I make a green circle in the box for that day, and I see a pretty photo of something designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It's about as nice a diet ritual as any I've tried. I really recommend it.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:30 pm
by reinhard
Firefox it actually should work with (or at least, it does for me).

What kind of probelm were you having?


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:44 pm
by florafloraflora
Sorry! I didn't mean to badmouth the HabitCal. I thought it didn't work with Firefox, but I could be wrong.

What's happening is that when I choose a habit and then hit the Show button, nothing happens. It may be that there's a script that's blocked because I'm at work. I haven't tried it at home yet.

Hi Flora, regarding the calendar...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:58 am
by tomahawkk
I had the same problem. I found that if I added another tag, I finally got a calendar to show. You know that box that pops up and tells you to give a name? It suggests nosdiet, fine, you got that. Now get it to do it again and type in another tag, like exercise or something. Now that you have 2 choices, you should get a calendar when you highlight one, than press 'show'. It's pretty cool. I like it. Started again today after a 1 week attemp that ended in a way overboard weekend. Don't want to do that again. But if I can make this work, it'll give me more freedom than anything I've done previously. I like it. Think it's a great common sense idea! Now if I can learn to listen to my sense rather than a formatted and scheduled diet! harder than it should be, you know? That alone is an eye opener. When did I desert my common sense instincts? I used to know when to eat without all that thinking about it!