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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:26 pm
by ClickBeetle
Hey everyone

I just wanted to post some encouragement here -- this is from some notes I made after I lost 14 pounds in about 4 months doing no-S.
Successful loss sure makes you want to keep doing it, especially when what you have been doing is manageable – an easy 2-mile walk every couple of days, no dieting (just no-S on weekdays).

You go a week, you lose ¾ of a pound, you have some chocolate and dessert on the weekend. Monday you start another easy week of what has now become routine and you know you’ll be ¾ of a pound lighter (on average) at the end of the week, and be eating dessert again for a couple of days. What’s not to love?

You get thinking, ‘hey, this is easy, I could do this forever and just keep peeling off the weight!’ And, the walking part becomes a piece of cake after you lose 10 pounds, because you feel lighter as well as more energetic – so longer, faster, or more frequent walks are possible and that just helps the weight to come off even more.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:35 pm
by Charis
Thanks for sharing the encouragement ClickBeetle! And congrats on the weight loss!

I just wanted to say how thankful I am for Reinhard and Nos. As I was walking through the grocery store today I was again reminded how different trips to the store are today versus how they use to be. I use to have a cart load of chocolate and various other sources of junk food. Now I get what's on my list (yes ice cream is on the list. Our family loves the stuff) and I am not driven by my moods or cravings. I had honestly felt quite trapped by it all. I have been doing nos since May and have only lost 9 lbs or so (my scale is out of batteries at the moment), but my thyroid test came back high so I may need a readjustment of my medication to restart any further weightloss. But I would be hard pressed to leave nos because of how much better I am doing emotionally with food. Yes I still have work to do to control my portion size and get my S days less idiotic, but I didn't become obese overnight and I am not going to have a totally healthy relationship with food overnight either - though I am on the right road and I have hope that I may get there some day. In all fairness I did start going to a great counselor in Feb and he does deserve some of the credit, but nos was the perfect complement to what I have been learning about myself in counseling. It was a great day when I came across this site! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:31 pm
by FarmerHal
Well it's slow but sure for me, just keep sticking with it and if you fall off the wagon, get back on at the next meal!
Since 15 Dec '06, I've lost 18.5lbs. So about 8 months. That's about a half pound a week. Barely noticable at the time but OVER time, it has made a difference!

Only 60 more to go! ;)

I've also increased exercise and that has helped me just to feel so much happier- exercise is a natural antidepressant too.

Luck to all!