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Just another snippet on moderation

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:33 am
by bonnieUK
I was just reading an article by a vegan body builder and thought this point about moderation being key to enjoying "cheat food" (or S food as we would call it) may be relevant:
Soy ice cream is my biggest vice and when not dieting for a photo shoot or bodybuilding show it is not uncommon for me to have a few scoops around 8pm.

The key is moderation and taking the time to enjoy your cheat food. Take the time to savor each bite and enjoy the flavor; doing so will allow your brain time to find comfort in the taste and by eating slowly your body will have time to tell you that you are full and do not want or crave any more.
I wouldn't recommend eating 6 meals a day like he does though, but then again he is a professional body builder and can afford it :) Here is the full article if anyone is interested:

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:00 pm
by Murphysraven
I've found the perfect size for eating ice cream on S days. I put 1 scoop in a coffee mug to enjoy. Before I would put ice cream in a bowl , and dish myself 3-5 scoops! not to mention all sort of toppings (carmel, chocolate fudge etc) I find the coffee mug method is the perfect size for me to enjoy my treat without binging on it.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:28 pm
by bonnieUK
That sounds like a nice idea! I've also found that the dish you serve a desert in has an impact on your enjoyment of it, I have some nice odd shaped wine glasses that I got from IKEA which I like to serve home made mouses and similar desserts in, as they fit about 1-2 scoops of dessert plus a little fruit garnishing and look very pretty. I'm sure the same dessert in a plain bowl would seem much less interesting :)

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:37 pm
by reinhard
My trick to moderating ice cream intake is to buy it a cone at a time instead of in big vats. A little pricier by volume but I think it works out even economically because there's so much less volume. I also wind up with fresher, better ice cream. I'm walking distance to 2 outstanding local ice cream shops, so this is a pretty easy "intelligent dietary default" for me to implement.


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:12 pm
by Murphysraven
you get more variety too by buying a cone at a time.

Although a tip for those who do keep ice cream in the fridge. If you put a piece of saranwrap down flush against the ice cream before putting back in the freezer, you won't get as freezerburn as much or as soon. That assuming your icecream lasts long enough to be in danger of that problem ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:49 am
by Jaxhil
It's funny you should say that, Murphysraven!

I have a tub of orange sherbet, vanilla and banana pudding ice cream in the chest freezer that have been there so long I can't remember when I got them. At least a couple months (except or the vanilla which I got specifically to go with the apple pie I made for Thanksgiving!), and I was getting very annoyed with the amount of room it was taking up the other day so I said I was going to throw out the mint chocolate chip (it had the least remaining) that was also there.

Needless to say someone volunteered to finish it off, LOL. Not me though, and MCC is one of my favs!

I used to *looooove* ice cream and would have 3-4 scoops probably a couple to three times a week. Now when I do have some it's one or two SMALL scoops and quite often I can't even finish it! Its just too sweet now! I'm finding that to be true of lots of things now. Who would've thought?? I love it :D