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Lots in here on food and hunger but is anyone losing lbs?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:44 pm
by happygilx
I have just joined this site and am interested in this type of "lifestyle" instead of a diet, but I do not hear of anyone who is actually losing wieght or gettting in better shape. Can someone give me some encouragement that they are succeeding by doing this type of plan?

Thank you,


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:17 pm
by cvmom
Yeah, sure. I have been doing this for about a month and a half and I've lost about 5 pounds. It is not the "dramatic" 10 dress sizes in 10 days but it beats gaining weight. I think it also depends on how much you need to lose. My goal was to lose 20 so I'm already 1/4 of the way there. I think it is a sensible way to develop good habits without making yourself crazy.

Give it a try. What do you have to lose, except the weight? :!:


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:02 pm
by navin

There are actually several of us who have... granted, you have to pore through the messages to find all of us, but we're there.

I've lost 20+ lbs, Deb has lost a significant amount (15-18 or so I think?), Reinhard (our founder) lost about 40, and I know there are many, many others I'm forgetting, but they can speak for themselves. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:03 pm
by navin
I think I'll add that my loss has been over a period of about a year and a half. I still have a little ways to go, though, but I certainly have not had any significant gain in a long, long time. So it's coming off slowly and steadily, and staying off.

weight loss

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:10 pm
by Kevin
I've lost 15 pounds in two months and continue to lose, slowly, but I'm losing it.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:34 am
by Catbert
Howdy Happy!

I've been NoSing for 8 months now (and walking for about a year) and I've lost around 20 lbs so far - from about 165 to 143. (If you want the full scoop on me just read my first post entitled "First Post - 8th month".) I just don't think there is a better (or saner) way to go than this. Just keep in mind what Reinhard says:

Don't wig out if you don't lose ten pounds the first day. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Progress is slow, but maintainable. It's going to take a while but it's also going to last a while -- your whole life. Don't sabotage your efforts with quick-fix expectations.

I hope what you see here and from the others is the encouragement you need to get going and stay on track! :)

Happy NoSing,

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:55 am
by JWL
I'm on my 3rd week of NoS and shovelglove. I haven't been on a scale in over a year, so I don't know if I've lost weight.

I feel incredible.

I have more energy.

I feel lighter.

I had to cut another notch in my belt.

My biceps are noticeably bulging pleasantly.

My forearms are much stronger than they were.

I feel strong.

Etc etc etc.

So yes, I would deduce from the above that I'm losing weight. I have no idea how much.

Remember this is more of a "cultivating health" thing rather than a "banishing unhealth" thing. The weight loss will continue. I imagine I'll look quite different in 3 years.

Not to mention 1 year. . .

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:42 pm
by happygilx
Thanks for all of the replies. I continue to believe that you must take off weight slowly in order to keep it off, so it is encouraging that many are continuing to lose after many months. Just that fact that you continue on the program speaks volumes.

I have always been a basement free-weight and machine workout kinda guy, but I am intrigued by the shovelglove workout. It contains anaerobic and aerobic benefits with one exercise - I like that. I needed a sledge for the brick wall outside the new house anyway...:wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:25 pm
by spiralstares
I've got a lot to lose, so these numbers might be slightly misleading, but I've lost 21.5 pounds in 38 days. You can see my progress through my check-in thread.

Cracked the 180 barrier today...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:02 pm
by Kevin
I saw 179 on the digital scale for the first time in 10 years.

I'm doing a little extra walking with the dog. I think it's paying off.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:19 am
by Blondie
My pants are falling off because they're too big now. :lol: I've probably lost around 5 lbs in two and a half weeks.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:27 am
by ClickBeetle
I lost 8 lbs so far, in about 8 weeks. Gained muscle mass, too, by adding in the exercise component.