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Can PMS days be S days? LOL

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:07 am
by bonnieUK
These days are my hardest days to stick to, I'm trying to avoid the temptation of just making them S days LOL (but they do have an S in them!) Ok, realisticly I don't think I should make them S days, but perhaps I should just fill up my meal plates more!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:58 am
by thtrchic
I know what you mean. Those days can be SO hard!

Filling up the plates more seems like the right idea. And maybe adding extra protein to your meals.


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:55 am
by Betty
How many days of the month is it a problem? What I like about No S is that it takes into account the pattern of our lives, the common sense wisdom of "you're going to fail on your diet on special days, so just call them special and enjoy them."

And I think that, to some extent, trying to fight biology should fit into the same category: if it's so hard that you usually fail anyway, make pms days S days. If you have more than one or two really hard days in a month, you might need to rein yourself in, but otherwise it seems to me that pms is nasty enough anyway; why make it even harder?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:09 pm
by reinhard
I'm not really qualified to speak on this subject, but I would suggest "no." :-)

Filling up your plates more is always a valid option when you anticipate trouble.

Good luck!


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:07 pm
by bonnieUK
Thanks all :)

I employed a strategy of:

a) filling up more at meal times + more protein
b) promising myself extra food and treats on the next S days (and of course by the time those S days came around, I was over it and didn't need all those treats, so good strategy!).
c) allowing myself second servings of vegetables / salad only if I was still really hungry.

The above seemed to work (especially the extra protein) and I'll keep them in mind for next time ! :D

I think part of the problem was that I was resisting eating more at meal times because I was afraid of the extra calories, but I guess I shouldn't fight against biology, if my body is asking for more calories I guess there must be a reason, so filling up plates more is the safest option I guess :)