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Hi, I'm new here

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:13 am
by apple
Stumbled upon this web site and liked the idea, so I started a few days ago with the Nos.

I do not need to lose weight but all this snacking and eating chocolate is making me sluggy and unhappy, so this seems like a good way to get rid of that. Simple and healthy, plus I still can get my sweets at the weekend if I want to.

So my plan is:
- eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
- eat three mini-meals; fruit in the morning, ryebread&cheese&fruit in the afternoon, and someting small before bed-time, if needed (I have low blood-sugar and will faint or get in a very bad mood if I don't eat regularly)
- make sure to get enough protein and calcium
- excercise three times a week (and more if possible)

One thing though: I have a bit of problem with the "one plate" thing, since I regularly have more than one course for dinner. I'll have to figure out how to work with that.

We'll see how things are going!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:56 pm
by mimi
Welcome! You'll love NoS!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:48 am
by apple
I think I will.

I already am finding out that it's so much easier not to eat chocolate if you know you can have it on Saturday.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:57 pm
by mimi
Amen! It really does work that way for me too! I can do most anything Mon.-Fri. if I know I can have sweets on the weekend.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:00 pm
by kccc

Over time, you'll find Saturday treats taste better, b/c you don't have them with the normal "side order of guilt." :)

And I've gotten quite snobby about my treats. Store-bought cookies? Not worth eating - I'll either bake my own on Saturdays, or go to a bakery for good ones! More quality, less quantity.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:02 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
I dunno, sometimes you just want something squidgy and gross. Something nostalgic and chem-tacular, like those pink "Snowballs" or a completely artificial grape popsicle.

But yes, for the most part quality becomes more important when the quantity goes down. Plus, as mentioned on this board before, when you know it's full fat you don't make excuses to yourself and eat more.

For more than one course leave some empty plate space to siginfy the bit you will eat later.

As to mini-meals: some people do three plates, eat half and put half of the plate away until the next time they need to eat. (At least I seem to remember something like that- someone whose job didn't leave space for one full meal?) Anybody else remember this?