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New with a question...

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:06 pm
by Izzy0906
Hi all, I'm new to the No "S" Diet. I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds but with a life style change and not with a diet that leaves me wanting and I end up failing with in the first month. Any way, I get the whole idea but i have one question.... kinda stupid but since I don't know the answer, figured I'd ask... I'm going to be doing a workout program six days a week (slimin 6), I was told I should have a protein drink (I make mine with Soy Milk) after my workouts. Is this "ok" to have? The only reason I want to say no is because it's chocolate (though not a good chocolate) flavored.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:50 pm
by reinhard

I personally would skip the shake both because yeah, a chocolate shake is kind of unambiguously an S, and also because I think these energy shakes are big scams (and in this case, a not even a particularly tasty scam).

But feel free to modify the rules if you think otherwise. It's fine to do a personalized version of No-s, you don't need my approval. Just make sure it's something you can actually adhere to without slippery sloping into more.

Best of luck and keep us posted,


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:42 pm
by Izzy0906
Just to clarify, it's just a protein shake, not energy shake. I was told I should have one because I tend to eat very little if any protein during the day. But maybe i'll experiement with it and without and see what works better.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:20 pm
by kccc
Just my .02 (remembering that I am not a nutritionist, and don't play one on the internet)...

Eat more real protein with your meals, and forget the shakes.

Real food is more satisfying, sticks with you longer, and is just plain healthier than "faux food" - and I'd put energy shakes into that category.

If you think you need it, drink a glass of milk after you work out. Milk has real protein in it, and still falls within No-S guidelines.

Sounds like you're getting conflicting advice, and you'll have to sort out for yourself what advice to follow. Remember that you can try one path, and change your mind if you need to. :) Just listen to your body a lot.

Good luck.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:57 am
by Hunter Gatherer
I think KCCC has good advice. Add more real protien so that you don't have to supplement.
If you're going to have chocolate have the good kind (or at least the enjoyable kind). I'm sure that somewhere they sell protein in pill form (ew) and you could switch to something like that (which wouldn't be a sweet in any shape or form) to avoid the question.