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My first day of No S!

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:05 pm
by jesse
This is my first day of No S. Of course first thing this morning I got a plate of goodies from my co-worker for Christmas, they look yummy! I said look, not taste :D I will save them for this weekend. Then a customer brought me a big block of homemade chocolate rocky road candy. I'm I being tested?! I was going to wait until after the holidays and the new year started, but then I thought what the heck, why wait. Then its a new year's resolution AGAIN and that never works for me.

Happy Holidays!

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:51 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Welcome, Jesse! You're on the right track with those holiday goodies!

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:13 pm
by kccc
Yay, Jesse! (And welcome!)

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:59 pm
by mimi
Yay, Jesse! Such restraint! You did right - be proud of yourself. The best time to start is right now! You'll love No-essing!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:08 pm
by jesse
Thank you all for the warm welcome! So far so good. I even think that I have my husband convinced to join me in no-esing, but he says not until after the holidays. That's ok with me, having him on board with me will make it so much easier. My husband is a fantastic cook and his specialty are desserts. So not having him make desserts during the week will be a real plus!


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:39 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Welcome Jesse! Good to have you around!

Taking things home is a good way to do it. People don't feel bad because you refused their love (in the form of food) but you get to control when and where you eat. Plus, you defuse the deprived feelings you might otherwise get.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:37 pm
by apple
Wow, that's very good! Best of luck on the No S.

I received a box of my favourite chocolates this morning, and it's still wrapped up sitting on my desk, but I am very much tempted in eating just one... and then maybe another one... but I really should wait until tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:15 pm
by Spook
I'd get the box of chocs out of sight if at all possible! :)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:32 pm
by mimi
Don't do it! The slide down the "slippery slope" always begins with "just one!" Save them for your S day when you can enjoy them with no guilt!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:58 pm
by Jaxhil
Yes, don't do it!! (and welcome, Jesse! :P )

I just made a double batch of oatmeal pecan cookies to give to my brothers-in law (and I love these cookies!) I am VERY tempted to have "just" one, but I know that would wind up as two or three..or more (yikes!) so I will be a good no-esser and WAIT. After all, tomorrow is not so far away! I have to make a batch or two of oatmeal raisin cookies, too, but I don't really like raisin cookies so they aren't a temptation for me.

Hang in there, we can make it till tomorrow!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:26 pm
by jesse
Well I sort of messed up a bit, but I am back on track today. This will be my first real week with my husband on board with me. It will be so much easier with both of us no-sing!

Happy New Year!


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:21 pm
by tessy
hello i`m new here rearly want to lose weight fed up with al the differnent diets and diets that dont work :( stummbled on this site and it sounds like a sensible way of losing weight , can you tell if it`s NO sugar or low sugar is there a percentage of sugar a day you should stick too rearly need help with this cos i am determind this is the way to go ....thank you tessy

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:06 pm
by rose
Hi Tessy,

Please read Reinhart's page on if you haven't already done so.

Basically, on week days ("N days") you don't eat sweets at all and you don't drink soda at all. However a little bit of sugar in coffee, or in yogurt etc is fine, and the sugar which is naturally contained in fruit is fine too. The main goal of the "no sugar" rule is to train yourself and lose the habit of eating lots of sugar. Of course you also lose the extra calorie intake, and the mood swings and cravings that are provoked by eating lots of sugar daily.

On weekends ("S days") you may have sweets and/or soda if you wish.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:05 pm
by tessy
thank you rose ,i find almost every thing you buy today has sugar added so do i look for the lowest sugar content im probley sounding hard work to you but please can you give me an example of the type of foods that you would eat in a normal day and how are you coping and how long have you been doing this and have you had sucess in losing weight thank you so much ...tessy

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:21 pm
by rose
Hello Tessy,

perhaps it is a bit unnecessary really to worry so much about sugar. If there is a little added sugar it doesn't hurt. It's the twix and mars bars and candy and soda that hurt. So put those away during the week. You can have them on the weekend.

I try to follow nutritional guidelines in addition to NoS. That means (almost!) every meal contains some kind of veggie and/or fruit, some protein, and some carbs.
Basically the carbs give you energy to go about your day without collapsing, the veggies and fruit give you the bulk (satiety feeling + intestine health) and a lot of vitamins, and the protein are required to keep your muscles from melting down when you lose weight (you also have to exercise a bit).
I think the balanced meals and lack of added sugar are what makes it easy for me to go from one meal to the other without snacking. The nutritional guidelines are not part of No S Diet. But they do make following No S Diet easier.

Breakfast (which I eat rather late, else I would make it a little more filling):
veggie/fruit: apple or banana
protein: plain yoghurt (technically you could add sugar or honey, but it makes me hungry at 11 if I have sugar at breakfast... so I eat a bite of fruit with a spoonful of yoghurt...)
carbs: bread (not white bread, I prefer whole wheat, or at least some cereals in it. Technically you can spread butter or a little bit of jam or whatever.)
herbal tea (technically you can add sugar or honey)

Lunch (at the canteen):
Half plate of veggies (sometimes with a little cheese on top)
Half plate of pasta/noodles or rice (carbs). Sometimes I have potatoes instead, or even potato chips. But not frequently.
Meat, possibly with some sauce (protein)
small plate of exotic fruit

Usually nothing. If I feel really really down, I drink a single cup of hot chocolate. Yes there is sugar in that.

Diner (light meal because I exercise or sing at night):
some veggies, hot or raw or both.
small piece of protein (like ham, dried sausage, surimi, microwave-cooked fish etc)
bread (carbs)
Sometimes a fruit (I should eat fruit more often really) or a small piece of cheese.

I drink either plain tap water or herbal tea.

I've been doing it for a full year. I've lost 22 lbs. I used to look fat. Now I look normal when dressed up, and rather plump when undressed. If I lost another 20 lbs I'd look thin. But no hurry there. On weekends I eat whatever I want. And usually I want second helpings and chocolate desserts!

Give it a try, simply by cutting out the snacks and second helpings and avoiding foods that taste very very sweet (except fruit which is ok).

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:50 pm
by tessy
thank you so much rose i have a stone and half to lose i will def give it a try ... will keep you in touch on how i do ....thanks again tessy

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:33 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Good luck Jesse and Tessy!
Hey that rhymes :)
Enjoy NoS!
Peace and Love,
8) Debs