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HabitCal -feature request

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:30 pm
by Dorothy
I really like this tool! I've thought of many "improvements" -- each of which would make it more complicated and probably less useful. (Like a way to capture a numeric for some trackers... how many times you did x, or how many minutes of exercise, or whatever)

But one feature which really would be nice -- and I think I saw this somewhere from another user - the ability to simply click through the four options while cursor is on a calendar square. So at the top, the selection is green. I click on the date, and realize that green is not correct - instead of navigating to the top and changing, I simply click again (yellow) and again (red) and again (blank) and again (green)... until I get where I want to be. This would be a lovely improvement.... and unlike my other brilliant ideas, would not make the HabitCal more complicated!

thanks for a really useful site - and this really useful tool!


Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:24 pm
by reinhard
Hi Dorothy,

I'm glad you like the habitcal, and thanks for making this well thought out request.

Unfortunately, I don't think it would work well. For one thing, chances are it would result in a lot more clicking (there are currently 4 states: green,yellow, red, white; so that means the last state will take four clicks to get too, imagine how much clicking that will become if you have a bunch of these to set). For another thing, the radio buttons are self documenting -- you don't have to read any instructions, it's very obvious what they do. Lastly, the radio buttons scale to additional and multiple simultaneous states, multiclick does not. For example, I want to add at least one additional state: "freetext note." With multi click, it would take 5 clicks to get to that, and you'd be forced to choose between adding a note and toggling a success state (instead of using the note to provide additional information about a success state).
