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getting back on track

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:57 pm
by babyprrr
I've been doing NoS since around june/july of 2007. It worked very well at first, especially because I have always yo-yo dieted in the past, and binged/starved myself alternately, so NoS was a simple way to lose weight yet not go crazy counting calories.

I lost around five pounds this way, then I went back to college in August. I have since gained back around 10 pounds and I'm now at my highest weight ever. I can pinpoint why I have gained weight even though I'm still doing NoS...(1) too large dinners (2) alcohol which until recently i did not factor in (3) 'idiot' S days. (4) not enough exercise.

So now I'm trying to cut back on all that, and trying to eat more fruit and veg, e.g. fruit for breakfsat, a salad for lunch, lighter dinners etc. Plus, I'm adding glass ceiling to my NoS plan. Just thought I'd post on here to keep me motivated , hopefully making a public declaration will guilt trip me into getting back on track!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:38 pm
by kccc
Congrats on your new-found determination.

Be careful not to make your No-S days look like a diet. Everyone is different, of course, but I have found that I need more protein on No-S than I was accustomed to eating. Now, that can be low-fat protein, just slightly larger portions than I used to eat. So just fruit or salads may not hold you. (Unless I misunderstood, and you just meant your meals needed to include fruit/salad?)

At any rate, best of luck!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:13 pm
by babyprrr
I'm trying to have fruit for breakfast and also trying to cut down on lunch by having fruit or salad. I find that I tend to eat quite unhealthily at lunch sometimes ( e.g paninis, pizza etc). I would quite like to have fruit for lunch as well as I find it quite filling however I'm worried people around me might find it strange when i have just fruit for lunch...

Not doing too well on the exercise back at 5:30 from work today, jet-lagged and very tired, so couldn't drag myself to the gym. :(

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:28 pm
by Blondie
Hey Babypurr,
Like KCCC said, make sure not to make it feel like a all means, refocus and get back on track, but if you feel like you aren't losing on the plan, before you start slashing your meals by trying to survive on fruit for lunch, take a look and see whether you are actually following the rules. Establish the habit of no snacks, sweets, or seconds, even if you feel like you are eating too much to lose any weight right away, and do it for at LEAST three weeks. THEN, if you still aren't losing, see how you can tweak to jumpstart the weight loss (like you said, maybe the alcohol, the exercise, the over-the-top S days).

Eating too little at meals is the best way to fail here--you will likely feel deprived and eat between meals, then perhaps chuck it all!

Good luck and happy new year!!