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clearer mind

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:44 am
by funfuture
Is anyone else finding that they are working more productively on NoS? I think the exercise plus cutting out sugary/fatty/carby snacks is doing wonders for my ability to get things done. I'm beginning to feel like my old (BC - before child) self and I love it. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:12 am
by jerseymonster
I've only been doing this for a few days, but I'm feeling better because I feel like I have a lot more control over my hunger. I cannot concentrate at work at all when I'm hungry, but I slam-dunked a big project today just because I think I was maintaining a more even blood sugar level! :D I used my time more effectively because I wasn't jittering around being hungry.

It's really freeing to be able to eat just enough at each meal to tide you over until the next one, and to not have to worry about "just in case" snacks that may or may not be good for you. I just feel like I'm on a more even keel overall.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:55 am
by elizabeth333
I've noticed many times on this diet that I find myself thinking that eating would make me feel better. This is usually due to hunger pangs. What I've learned though is that NOT EATING, (Snacking), is what REALLY makes me feel better!! That wonderful feeling of making it through the moment and being O.K., and feeling great because food isn't running my life anymore! I used to think hunger was torture, now I've learned to embrace it. There will be another meal & I will lose another pound.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:11 pm
by bonnieUK
A bit of a late addition to this post but I have found the same thing. No S ing has done wonders for my energy levels, and helped me see the relationship between eating and energy levels more e.g. if I eat a healthy meal, sensible amount (not too much) with lots of veggies and/or fruit I experience a nice energy boost about an hour later. Protein foods such as beans and nuts are good energy boosters too.

Things which seem to drain my energy are:
• snacking (unless it's just one apple or a small banana)
• Anything sugary unless it's eaten after a meal
• too much starch in one meal (in relation to veggies and protein - need lots of veggies!)
• Wheat pasta and some types of bread (I guess I have a slight wheat issue)
• mixing too many different foods together in one meal - especially raw veg / salad.
Eating too much in one meal - e.g. I feel best if I stop eating just before feeling full, then perhaps have some herbal tea or coffee to get rid of that feeling of just wanting a bit extra (works!).

Some of this I was aware of to some degree, but No S has made these things much clearer :)

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:35 pm
by kccc
There are areas where I've made really amazing habit changes. (And areas that I still need to work on, but that's another post!)

Last week I went to a fancy reception at 3:00. And amazing spread... but definitely snack time. I wasn't even tempted - just got a drink to hold, and socialized. Even admired the food when others commented - that looks good, what a great selection, etc.

In the past... I'd have started with the veggies, intending to be virtuous. Then I'd have had "just one" of some divinely decadent tidbit. That would be the start of the slippery slope...I'd pig out, feel sick, and hate myself.

It was a really GREAT feeling just to sip my drink and socialize instead. :)