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unhappy s-ing Saturday

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:14 am
by phano
Wanted to post to keep myself honest.

It started Thursday night/Friday morning--stayed up until about 2 am grading exams.

Exhausted Friday but had to teach that morning, and oddly not wanting to eat a decent breakfast. Had cereal and milk (which always seems to make me crash about an hour after I eat. I know this. Think.). And didn't pack a lunch, though I planned on staying at school until I had a backlog of quizzes graded.

So at 1 pm on Friday, I was so hungry I was dizzy, so I went down to the vending machines and got a Snickers. Good idea, yeah, to follow one sugar crash with another sugar slam & crash.

I think this set me up for a grouchy Saturday, complete with weird, mindless eating. I also went running, following the couch potato to 5k plan someone posted about. I felt proud of myself for doing it, but I think I need to plan it so that it's a bit before a meal, so I'm not tempted to stuff myself as a 'reward' (how is it a reward??? I just did something good for me, so I'll eat a bunch of junk. Dumb beyond all imagination.)

BUT, as so many people have posted, I will contain and do better tomorrow. Will decide in advance a nice treat and eat good food otherwise. I will also pack a lunch next Friday and eat my normal, delicious, plain yoghurt with wheat germ and honey for breakfast. But will not descend into the "I'll be fat forever" abyss.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:31 pm
by kccc

Hope posting helped, and your Saturday is better.