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Oh Good Grief!!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:12 pm
by FarmerHal
I just ate an entire package of that Martha White blueberry muffin mix. I didn't cook it, just ate it. I didn't eat most of the artificial berry bits though.

Gaaaaah! :oops:

You know, I had mcD's today, and it seems like whenever I have mcD's (or fast food) I have terrible terrible cravings for bad bad things!

Think I'm going to have to swear off mcD's for a while. I got some for the kiddos and myself because I'm so burned out making meals and washing dishes, it's making me crazy.

That's 960 empty awful calories. Ugh ugh.


Tomorrow's a new day!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:36 pm
by phano
"Think I'm going to have to swear off mcD's for a while. I got some for the kiddos and myself because I'm so burned out making meals and washing dishes, it's making me crazy."

I know what you mean about just not wanting to wash dishes or cook one more stinking meal! Have you thought about sandwiches on paper plates? If you want something hot, you could toast them up in a pan and have grilled cheese and meat sandwiches. I don't know where you live, but if it's at all warm, you could make it a big treat and have a picnic outside. Then you're eating something good, you don't have to do dishes, and you get to enjoy the outdoors. Or if it's too cold to be outside, you could have a picnic on the living room floor. My kid LOVES this kind of thing.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:02 pm
by Dawn
I think anything that leads to trouble should be considered an S day only treat. Weight Watchers refers to them as trigger foods and they are different for all of us. If I get stuck having to have fast food during the week - and it does happen once in a blue moon for me - I get a salad or whatever is on the light menu. Burgers, fries, burritos, pizza are stictly S day stuff for me because they are a gateway drug for me. Listen to your body and listen to the angel sitting on your right shoulder,not the devil on the left shoulder who tries to make you think it's ok to eat super fattening, high calorie foods just because you can fit them on your plate. You KNOW what you need to do don't you? Get real with yourself - it's the only way. Denial is the enemy!!! Be strong!!! NEVER SURRENDER!!! OK, off the soap box now, wow I feel better.