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How Is Everyone Doing?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:53 pm
by FarmerHal
Just thought it would be nice to hear from everyone how they're doing.

After a couple months of backsliding and emotional eating (snacking afternoon and nightime) this week I've really decided to straighten up. I went back and looked at my posts when I first started nos and I'm newly inspired again.

Anyway, in 15 months of noSing (including the slip-ups!) I've gone from 242 to 216.5 (yahoooo!). So that's good. I'd love to see 199 and it's not too far away now, perhaps by my 2nd anniversary (december 16) of noS, I'll be there?

Just have to hang tight!

Love to hear how everyone's doing and say thanks again to Reinhard. I'm still waiting on my book to arrive. C'mon mailman!! :)


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:14 pm
by tracey
Hi Tiffani -

I'm new to all this but doing really well so far!

I do feel a bit strange now that I'm not thinking about eating as much. What do I do with my time ....

Anyway, good news on your losses, there's hope for me!


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:47 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I'm doing pretty well with no-s, but I have slipped up a little here and there. I'm hanging in, though, with many more successful days than not. I'll be glad to get back to Minnesota, though. Our apartment building will have a small gym with a treadmill. I spend so much time on my feet that I'm too tired to exercise, but what I do doesn't have the sustained intensity to build muscle or burn fat. But that's okay; I'm building good habits with no-s. Exercise will come soon enough.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:11 am
by camburger
Hello Tiffani,

I also just started. I'm on my fourth straight no s day and so far, so good. I haven't had any problems thus far, I get a bit hungry at night but it's tolerable. And I already feel tons better, my stomach is flatter and I can breathe a bit better. Plus, before no s I overate mostly after dinner, so I would usually feel really sluggish and bloated when I woke up in the morning. Now, I feel light and energized when I wake up. I'm also more focused on other things because after I eat, there's no reason to think about food until my next meal. It's so liberating. I'm starting to accept that being hungry sometimes is okay, it doesn't mean I NEED to eat, I won't die without a snack. I'm excited to see results but I'm trying to be patient. I know it's going to take a while, I only need to lose about 15-20 lbs. We'll see...

Thanks for checking in... Congrats on your success!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:29 am
by kccc
Doing well, once I admitted my prior backsliding.

Though I'm having to watch the second-stage trap: "I've-been-good-for-X-days-now-so-why-hasn't-the-scale-dropped?"

I know better. I know better. I know better. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:29 am
by Bumpkyns
How I'm doing SUCKS!!! I've screwed up everyday since committing to start this (can't even remember if it's been 2 days or 3). It's nobody's fault but my own.. WHAT THE HAYULL kind of deep seeded crap from 35 yrs of a love-hate relationship with food, is gripping me like this?? WHY do I have to fall into this "nothing is going to control ME" mentality every dang time? Who am I kidding here? I think I know it's my need to teach my "Mr. Weight Police" brother a lesson (who criticized my weight since I was 15 yrs old, when I weighed a healthy 135 lbs and now that look back on it, looked HOT I might add... and oohhhhhh what it would be like to weigh that NOW... Well I'm SHOWING HIM all right... eating my way to not losing weight and in showing HIM, I'm only hurting myself.

I'd LOVE to get back down, to what I was conditioned to think was WAY too much weight and "never good enough" by a brother who thought only size 2 or 4 and/or 100 lbs apparently was what EVERY female should be, so anything more than that just wasn't acceptable. (This was way back in the 70s by the way when it started. He leaves me alone about it now. I guess when he found out I had Leukemia and actually cried for a couple minutes, he realized in the grand scheme of things maybe that wasn't so important... who knows???)

I was a size 9/11 at that time... which I see now is NOT TOO BIG AT ALL! Needless to say, I idolized him, my only big brother, and seeked his approval for everything, since I thought he was the King of everything so obviously what HE thought was ALL that mattered.

Ok, now that I've exposed a childhood issue or two in my family... which I hate doing cuz I was raised to think that what everyone else thinks REALLY MATTERS... so it's really hard for me to "expose" anything. Especially when I know what a sweet angel my precious mother was before she died... I felt like I lost my whole world...

ANYWAY, enough of that mushy family mess. :? So all of that was to say... well I don't really know, cept to blow some very pent up steam I guess. Ha! I can however say, that my "cheats" in the last couple days were each once daily, instead of eating something with sugar 3-4x daily. That's the best I could do I spose at least at that time. I did have some feelings of freedom, and even a feeling of self-control a few minutes each day. Neither of which I've felt in a lonnnnnnng time. So that's progress. I gotta tell you, when I did feel it, man did it feel good.

I don't mean to beat myself up so much, I know I should be proud of what I DID accomplish during this time and I can't fix it overnight. It's just that No S just seems so perfect for people like me, whose drug of choice is food. And it seems so attainable, and makes the most sense of everything I've ever read about or tried to do. So I was really pumped about it but didn't last 2 days. I'm going to have to figure out some really good mind tricks to use on myself because even when I did choose to eat my favorite ice cream, I'm not too sure I wanted it and I know I wasn't physically hungry for it. I just wanted it more than anything because I knew I "couldn't have it" til the weekend. So again... I'll show SOMEBODY :roll:, I can't be controlled, when I know that is directly related to my love/hate relationship with my brother (when it comes to my past mostly).

Well anyway... that's it for now. REALLY sorry to be so long here, but I guess as much as I hate to admit it, I'm reaching out for whatever help I can get on here. And boy what a pride swallower this is for me, to admit this soon how weak I am. But I'm not about to let myself get on here and be dishonest with you all, as I've been with myself. I mean how else can anyone help me if I'm not honest with them, or myself?

If yall don't mind, I'd like to copy/paste this as a new thread so as to reach out to as many people as possible.... just warning you so you don't waste your time starting to read something you already have.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:52 pm
by FarmerHal
Bump, I replied to this post on another thread, but to sum it up, hang in there, keep trying, meal by meal, hour by hour! :) Sometimes it takes months of noSing to get it right, and even then ya screw up once or twice LOL - speaking from personal experience!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:51 pm
by Mavilu
I'm doing mighty fine!.
This last week was my first completely NoS week and it went just great.
I haven't been hungry except when I first wake up (and I know I can have a nice breakfast with no restrictions) and I haven't feel the need to have seconds or snacks, either.
I spent the last half of the week thinking about what was I going to bake as a sweet treat on saturday and then settled for an Apple Crisp as saturday after dinner dessert.
My husband is actually enjoying the idea of having something sweet coming from the oven every weekend, when he knows he can expect it and enjoyed seeing me eating my dessert without guilt.
And I actually had a second serving of it and then felt sorry for doing so, because I felt stuffed afterwards.
So, next weekend; no seconds for me; I'm done with snacks and seconds, it seems.
My clothes seem to be a smidge looser, I might have lost some weight, but I have decided to weight myself once a month only, that way, I can stop being fixated on the scale number.

The only tiny thing that is bothering me is that I find myself fantasizing about how thin I'll be by the end of the year; I'm not sure it's a good idea to fantasize this much, but I don't seem to be able to stop dreaming about it!.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:53 pm
by swimfit
2 weeks down and so far so good. I think I need to reign in the S days a little because I haven't felt very good physically on my S days.. Too much sugar. I think I may just have 1 special treat each S day and see how that goes. Also toying with the idea of big S, little s. So for next weekend I think I am going to just have one special treat and make it really special. Does that sound reasonable?

I love not feeling guilty or obsessing over how many points I have left, or how many calories I have eaten, how many carbs on and on. It is wonderful to go out to eat again and not have to worry about all of that.

Gave up weighing myself for now as it can send me into a tailspin if it's not where I imagined it to be. Maybe in the future. We'll see

you guys are all the best, I am so thankful to have found No S and all of the great people here! :-)

Sorry for such a long post!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:49 pm
by bonnieUK
Hi shamrockmommy!

I've had a really good couple of weeks after backsliding a bit for about a month prior to that. I'm learning to predict various things which effect my appetite such as:

exercise / activity levels

hormonal stuff

Weather - My energy levels and appetite seem affected by crazy weather changes (which happen a lot in the UK! snow at Easter? what's that all about?) :( I also think a factor in my weight gain last year was the absolutely terrible "summer" we had (rain practially every day, floods etc.) I feel like I've not seen sunshine for years (I suffer from SAD too).

Emotional upsets / stress

vitamins / minerals etc. - I have a few that I take regularly, if I forget I seem to feel much hungrier (especially if I don't take iron once or twice a week).

Knowing these means I can plan ahead to some degree and use No S to help (e.g. knowing when I need to plan heavier more filling meals, making sure I include protein and fat etc.)

So far so good, I'm hoping to stay on track now! :) Also hoping for some sunnier weather. :D