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That piece of cake

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:48 pm
by Jesseco
This is my second Saturday S day. Last weekend went very well, even though I have a history of eating disordered behaviors--occasional bingeing and before that, anorexic-like behaviors. I also try to eat healthfully, but have done some obsessive things, like extreme calorie, etc. counting.

Well, I thought that S days would be o.k. for me, especially since I am also trying a program of turning to God as my source of satisfaction instead of food. That also means that it is a sin to overeat, so I want to eat moderately. I did last weekend, even with treats.

I did well this past week for N days.

But I had a LARGE piece of cake sitting around that I knew no one else would finish, so I looked forward to it for today. So much so that I inhaled the thing before I ate breakfast! And I've had several other treats since. I feel scared because I very much want to binge now and feel that I came too close.

So, along with Dawn and others, I need some more help and guidance for my S days. It may be that each of us needs our own individual "rules". I think some that have been mentioned are a little too strict for me and could backfire. I wish that I, like Reinhard, dealt as well with anarchy! I'm not even sure that it's possible that he could solve this problem for everyone OR that it's fair to ask. After all, he didn't have an eating disorder when he figured out this very helpful diet.

But I still love this diet, and in addition to turning to my God for help, will think of some simple extra "S" rules for myself. I too appreciate all the other input!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:14 pm
by blueskighs
Hi, I have a history of binging and serious calorie restriction and food deprivation cycles. This is my first S day. I hear you.

Drink a lot of water? This hugely helps me. Take a walk even if just for five minutes. Write a letter to yourself and purge all the feelings your having about how your S day is going. Let it go.

Take some time to really think about what kind of guidelines would be SUSTAINABLE for you on your S days.

For me I am planning to stick mostly to no seconds. I am going to be VERY careful in snacking. Food VOLUME can be a significant - binge trigger for me. I am also going to get some movement in on my S days. Being a slug is never good for my eating. I have found simple and short bouts of movement ... five minute walks stretches throughout the day can work wonders on my appetite.

I am planning my treats to be in the moderate range for me ... may not be normal for people who don't know what a binge is :P

Of course will the big "proof" will be Monday evening ... when I mark my hbait cal with a nice big green colored box,
hang in there!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:29 pm
by Jesseco
Hi blueskighs, thanks for sharing that you also struggle with similar issues. I guess my misery really does like company!

Volume is a huge trigger for me, too. I'm trying to think about what went right last weekend--I think it was that I kept mostly to the "no seconds" rule, but allowed myself several moderate sweets. I think I had one of them as a snack. I've really found no snacking to be helpful.

Today, I had stuff for breakfast and lunch that I usually wouldn't have, but it wasn't all that much better tasting than the nutritious stuff I usually eat. So maybe I'll stick with normal meals on S days and just allow myself to add several moderate treats.

I really want to learn to not obsess about the treats as I look forward to them!

I'm going to take your suggestion about letting my "bad" S day go. And drinking water. Also exercise does help me, and fortunately I am good about doing it.

Thank you for your comments and help and sharing that you also struggle with similar issues. I will hang in there, and want my nice green box on Monday, too!


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:05 pm
by FarmerHal
I've been nosing for the last 15 months (or is it 16 now?). Anyway, my first several weeks of S days turned otu to be a near bingefest, with me baking a whole cake and eating half of it in 2 days. Plus snacking on anything and everything.

I have a huge issue (30 years or so!) of overeating, turning to food because of emotions/psychological issues. It seems now, though, that I've worked things out. Each S day for me, I usually have one or 2 S's each day and that's it. But even now, I seem to be keeping it to sweets, as I find seconds just make me entirely too full, bloaty, gassy and just BLEH, snacks- well my fav. snack is chips or crackers, and I CAN have a handful of those for lunch anytime during the week and feel ZERO guilt about it, so there's really no point in snacking anymore.

So I make my S's really worth it. Tonight it will be chocolate fondue with strawberries, bananas and pound cake cubes! I do think I also have marshmallows and graham crackers too LOL.

Take your time. This is a learning process. And for me, an ENORMOUS *Psychological* process. Eat/snack because of emotions: sad, lonely, anxious, bored, angry, tired. Eat more because of guilt. And then even those snack foods don't really taste that good because each bite you feel guilt, shame, etc because you just know this is going to make you even more unhealthy...

Post often, get a little strict with the inner tummy toddler and your body and emotions will eventually adjust. This is not to say that I don't backslide from time to time, nobody's perfect and you just keep moving forward!


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:33 pm
by 3aday
I would not worry about the big piece of cake or other goodies. It was an S day.
In the beginning as you adjust to this way of eating, you will have some crazy S days, but if you develop the habit of eating 3 meals a day, over time your S days will simmer down.
My advice? Continue to rely and put all your faith in God.
But, remember, there is no condemnation in those who believe.
So, admit you ate a piece bigger than you wanted, brush yourself off and keep focusing on having moderate S days. Over time, it will get easier.
Focus on Him and not how bad it was you ate the cake. His mercies are new every morning and each day is a new day. God forgives, so forgive yourself.
Remember, it took 40 years for the Israelites to get into the promised land and this lifestyle is a slow, steady process but you will get into the promised land of normal eating. But, it takes time.
No S is a process but you have been equipped with the mind power and strength to continue on this great journey of normal eating. S days will get better over time, they really truly do.
Keep believing. You can do this, you really can. :D

That piece of cake

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:20 pm
by donzi
Jesseco - I have no experience on this diet yet, i have just finished the book. What I do have is experience with God and can tell you emphatically that not eating in moderation is not a sin. God loves us whether we eat or don't eat, and our eating habits have nothing to do with his love.

"Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus".

By all means continue your efforts to turn to God, but please don't equate your eating a piece of cake, or even a whole cake, with a lack of love for God.

He loves you just the way you are. Above all else, keep seeking him
You are loved.

Re: That piece of cake

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:47 pm
by stevecooper
Jesseco wrote:This is my second Saturday S day. [...] I had a LARGE piece of cake sitting around that I knew no one else would finish, so I looked forward to it for today. So much so that I inhaled the thing before I ate breakfast!
Don't worry about it. This is like learning the violin and getting a few bum notes two weeks in. Don't worry. It's the squeaks and scrapes that let you know you're playing, and it's only by playing that you improve. The only thing to beware of is silence, because that means you've put down the instrument.

The goal is to have this ability for the rest of your life, so if it takes months before those squeaks stop, it's no bother.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:33 pm
by Jesseco
Thank you, all. You are wonderful.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:15 am
by MerryKat
As some one who has been doing No S on and off for about 2 1/2 years, don't start stressing about S days.

You guys are all really new to this and you need the S days to help you make N days work. Enjoy your S days and if they are extreme, you will find that they settle down as your N day habits become entrenched.

The reason I have been on and off No S is in the past I would keep adding extra 'rules' which clouded the issues and then I would find a quick fix, but I always come back.

It has taken me 2 1/2 years or so, but I am now doing plain No S with no personal modifications and it works. The habits are the important things and once you have those down pat you will find your S days become far more reasonable.

Stick to the basic plan and you will get your habits in place and then you can tighten up if you need to.