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How's my first S weekend?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:10 pm
by Nay
I didn't find it hard to do the first 5 no S days. In fact, it was easy and restful because I could have anything I wanted (except S) but had to confine it to the plateful.

My only problem has been feeling a bit like I had low blood sugar a good part of the week. I assume this may be because I am not eating quite enough?

Now, as far as yesterday and today (Sat and Sun) -- I kept to the 3 plates both days. Yesterday I had several snacks (bread w jelly, PINT of reg ice cream) and today, my snacks were 2 applesauce/oatmeal muffins I baked. Plus, I have been making more elaborate meals -- tonight, another muffin, pork roast, gr beans, Caesar salad.

Does this sound reasonable? Or somewhat overdone? I would like to add that I can really pack in the food if I'm in binge mode, and I feel I've done well considering that. The pint of ice cream was overdone, tho.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:19 pm
by blueskighs
)Hi Did you start Monday?
Me too, My first S days are also going well.

I can't answer how your S days are? I imagine it's kind of how did they feel to you?

Yesterday my breakfast was 2 donuts and a grande chai tea latte
for lunch a healthy salad with tofu avocado black olives carrots and tomatoes I had one chocolate chip cookie ... from a friend I had saved from Thursday.
Dinner was an egg salad sandwich and carrot sticks

TOday I had the same breakfast, for lunch cannelini beans, sauted spinach, greens salad, a chunk of freshly baked spelt peasant bread (yes we grind the spelt ourselves :D) my snack ... 14 to 15 mini frozen peanut butter cups tonight plain organic yogurt with fresh blueberries

I feel great about how I have eaten this weekend. I enjoyed everything I ate. I never felt stuffed or bloated. I drank a good amount of water and kept up with my stretching movment things I do ... this has been the best!

The big deal will be if I can easily slip into N mode tomorrow, and mark that green on Habit Cal ...

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:45 pm
by Nay
Yes, I started Monday. I also feel pretty good about how I ate. I purposely saved the pint of ice cream and dreamed of that as my treat, so it really WAS a treat. I enjoyed everything, did not feel deprived, but did feel lightheaded/shaky in between meals if they were more than 4 hours apart. I do not have hypoglycemia that I know of, so I concluded it was from not permasnacking AND from giving up diet soda completely. My body is probably reeling from shock.

I think you did well, blueskighs! I would not have been able to have so little food for dinner, tho. I also did not eat sweets for any meal -- my meals looked exactly like weekday no S meals. I just added some sweets/snacks both days.

I actually think it will be easy to no S for the next 5 days. I truly haven't found it hard to do. I LOVE being able to eat what I want at meals with no points counting. It doesn't seem to matter to me that I can't have more than one plate or eat sweets. A lot of those insatiable cravings have gone away or eased a lot.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:04 pm
by blueskighs

I think getting off diet sodas cold turkey could possibly make you feel subuman :D

It is so great thought that you are doing it though, YAY YOU!!!!!

I don't know if you stopped drinking them on Monday's but it usually takes me a good five days to get past the BLEYCH whenever taking anything chemically out of diet ...

I had a couple of moments of shakiness to this weekend. I am pretty certain it was the huge - relatively burst of sugar I had for breakfast each morning. Drinking water seems to help .. and also why I make my meals following with complex carbs and protien and stuff.

I am so glad that you enjoyed your ice cream. Personally to me a pint of ice cream on an S day makes sense :wink:

I can put it away pretty good too when I am in binge mode. Let's cross our fingers, stick to this brazilliant No S plan, and hope all that stuff is just things from the past!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:39 am
by bonnieUK
My only problem has been feeling a bit like I had low blood sugar a good part of the week
Hi Nay,

I sometimes feel a bit like this too, usually just in the mornings. I've found it helps to ensure a substantial breakfast (preferably which includes some fruit such as raisins) and watch caffeine intake (which can lower blood sugar), I find that black and green teas makes me feel queazy and shaky if I have it on an empty stomach so I just avoid it completely unless it's with a meal (coffee with soya milk doesn't have that affect on me, so I can have that between meals).

Also whole grain, high fibre foods (e.g. oats, brown rice) will take longer to digest and should help keep you going longer.