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Long Days

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:10 pm
by Hungry Girl

My problem is that I get up very early with my husband for his work hours. Lunch is early becasue of my work hours, and then dinner is very late becasue he works out after work.
I end up having breakfast at 6:00am, lunch at 11:30am, but dinner is not until 7:00 or even 8:00pm some evenings. Is it OK to have a planned mini eal in the middle of the afternoon? SOmething like a pea ut buter /jelly sandwich?


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:31 pm
by jules
No S doesn't specify the number of meals you can have per day, only that you have no seconds and no sweets.


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:13 pm
by stevecooper
If it helps, one ten-inch dinner plate has the same area as two 7-inch tea plates -- about 310 square inches. That means you could substitute one dinner-sized meal for two teaplate-sized meals and eat the same amount of food.

Intrigued, I figured out the combinations of dinner plates and tea plates from 2 to 4 total plates. It doesn't take a lot to get me interested.

2 total plates
0 dinner plates, 2 tea plates = 307 sq inches
1 dinner plates, 1 tea plates = 467 sq inches
2 dinner plates, 0 tea plates = 628 sq inches

3 total plates
0 dinner plates, 3 tea plates = 461 sq inches
1 dinner plates, 2 tea plates = 621 sq inches
2 dinner plates, 1 tea plates = 781 sq inches
3 dinner plates, 0 tea plates = 942 sq inches

4 total plates
0 dinner plates, 4 tea plates = 615 sq inches
1 dinner plates, 3 tea plates = 775 sq inches
2 dinner plates, 2 tea plates = 935 sq inches
3 dinner plates, 1 tea plates = 1095 sq inches
4 dinner plates, 0 tea plates = 1256 sq inches

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:19 pm
by reinhard
Hungry Girl,

It is absolutely OK to introduce a fourth meal if your schedule demands it. You might want to keep two of your plates "half sized" to compensate for this (thank you for quantifying this, Steve!).


The fourth meal

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:20 pm
by Hungry Girl
Thanks Reinhardt. I never expected a reply from the actual author. :D