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What do you eat at lunch? "Real" food..?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:29 pm
by Nichole
Hiya all,

To No-Sers who work during the day: what are you eating at lunch? I've always been perplexed at what healthy fare I should eat at lunch without having to obsess or making it hard with planning and stuff. I've been eating Lean Cuisine-type meals for lunch that I stick in the microwave. I love the convenience of picking it up and leaving for work. Also, I'm not much of a cook & live w/my in-laws at the moment.

I hear a lot of talk about "real food". What are you eating at lunch if you're in the office setting like me? Even if you're cooking your lunches ahead of time or putting something together from scratch, let me know. I need easy suggestions, as I'm sure others do.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:38 pm
by reinhard

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:43 pm
by wosnes
I no longer work outside the home, but I still eat the same things as when I was working away from home. I have some combination of soup/salad/sandwich (or bread) and fruit for lunch. The soup was always homemade. I've made a pot or two of soup weekly for years.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:14 pm
by Dawn
If you are not big on cooking from scratch, or taking a lot of time to prepare your lunch, then you need to focus on the many, many quick and healthy choices available out there. Here is a little list of foods I keep handy and can toss together for lunch or dinner, in or to take with me.

Lean cuisine or other frozen meals - Not too many that I like, but every brand seems to have one or two that I do really like

Boca burger on light bun - smidge of thousand island and pickles

fruit - I like mine cut up so I have a tiny cutting board and a knife - fits into my mini igloo cooler that I use for my lunch pail.

Canned soup - many with 100 cal or less per serving

100 cal per pack chips - sometimes I just gotta have something salty with my lunch

Turkey sandwich on light/high fiber bread - Sarah Lee is super good

Salad with some meat tossed in - not satisfying enough with the meat for me

leftovers - any thing, I just cut the portion size depending on how high in calories it is.

I find in general at meals if I eat 3 or 4 items I feel like I am having a feast even if it only comes to 400 calories - it's mental I guess.

And remember if you get stuck going out to fast food, there are still options that are healthy, maybe not as light as what you would pack from home, but still you can do much better than a double cheeseburger and monster order of fries if you really put your mind to it.

Also I would suggest you make a trip to the store and just focus on lunch items and jot things down so when you go to do your regular shopping you will know ahead of time what is healthy and easy. Another suggestion is to see what others at work bring. There are usually a few people who eat well, I'd steal some ideas from them.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:23 pm
by Nichole
So many good ideas out there! I researched homemade soups and they don't seem very hard---quite easy, actually. And there are ways to make healthy sandwiches, as we talked about yesterday in the sammie thread. I won't be eating oatmeal for lunch, though, because I have my Multigrain Cheerios for breakfast.

As far as your suggestions, Dawn (love your name--my sister's name is Dawn too :)) I am hesitant because I hear people saying that processed food is so bad for you, etc. Maybe I should just give up this belief. A lot of people around the forum talk about eating "real" food, which is why I brought it up. Maybe I should just give up this belief and stick to what I'm doing?

I am not sure; real food does seem worth a try for lunch, though! I just want to find something I can stick to, like the no-S diet.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:36 pm
by NoelFigart
nfalcone wrote:So many good ideas out there! I researched homemade soups and they don't seem very hard---quite easy, actually.
YESYESYES! If you are interested in making homemade soups, my GOD, they're the easiest thing in the world to make.

I lived with a chef for seven years. His mantra: If you have water, you have soup.

One of the things I love to make is Poultry Carcass Soup.

One night when I'm making a big dinner, I'll roast a whole chicken or some other fowl. Then after everyone's eaten their fill, I take the carcass and any leftover meat (There's always a little), and either put it in the fridge or freezer, depending on how long it's gonna be before I make the soup.

On Soup Day, I just put the carcass in my crock pot and fill the crock with water in the morning. In the evening, I have a fantastic stock. I then take out the carcass and pick off all the meat. (You can just save the meat for poultry salad sandwiches at this point if you just want stock).

Then I transfer the stock to a pot along with the meat, and all the veggies I can think of that goes well in a soup -- carrots, celery, potatoes (unless I'm making a noodle or rice soup), throw in some sage, onion and garlic and salt to taste. (I've done it with carrots, ginger, apples and butternut squash, too. A sweeter soup, but ver' tasty).

I often freeze 2 cup portions of this to heat up for lunches. As Cookie Monster would say, OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!

But even if you just make the stock, you can save that as a base for some wonderful soups.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:08 pm
by Dawn
I would highly recommend making your own soups, and other lunch items if at all possible. I just know even as much as I love to cook and eat homemade foods, it isn't always easy when you are on the go and have to leave early in the AM to get to work. So I am just saying it's a lot better to pack a frozen meal and some fruit for lunch than eating fast food 4 times a week. I think the best plan is to try to mix it up a bit and make some soups and other healthy things and freeze them so that they are easy to grab and go, but you will also need some quickie from the store ideas too. You know you, are you going to give up if it's too hard? Keep it simple - whatever simple means to you.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:29 pm
by lmt2pt
Leftovers from dinner. It's great! There is no extra effort and I already know I like it and how much a plateful is. I'd believe if your in-laws or wife is cooking they would be willing to make an extra portion for you to take in your lunch.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:15 pm
by blueskighs
I love Amy's frozen rice bowls ... .... five minutes in the microwave ... I add steamed veggies steamed also in microwave in glad or ziploc steam bags.
I do enjoy salads at lunch but make them at home lettuce mix, carrtos tomatoes black olives avocadow and baked tofu
I work at home but since I cook a nice meal for me and my husband for dinner i don't like to spend too much time at lunch or make too big of a mess
then there is alwasy the leftover curries, dals, beans I made ....
I also have one of those sealers so whenever I make soups and beans I portion them out and freeze them

makes things easy and clean up is a snap


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:48 pm
by mausfrau
I used to take rice bowls for lunch when I worked full-time. I'd steam several servings of brown rice at the beginning of the week and put them in individual bowls in the refrigerator. For work, I'd just take one and add stuff. For example:

- broccoli florets, cauliflower, shaved carrots, etc. with an Asian dressing of some sort and gomasio (toasted sesame seeds with salt)
- black beans, salsa, and cheddar cheese
- premixed canned beans, corn, and peppers (I'm not sure they still make this, but it was REALLY good)

I'd just kind of throw it all together and then heat it up in the microwave at work.

I lived in St. Louis briefly and ate a LOT at a place called Crazy Bowls & Wraps. The first two ideas are directly inspired by their menu:

I was also a big fan of plastic-wrapped microwavable baking potatoes, which I'd top with Amy's Lentil Soup or occasionally a homemade veggie cheese soup. Yum!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:11 pm
by kccc
What options do you have at work? Fridge? Microwave? Anything else?

My trick is to establish a "default lunch" (I stole the idea from Reinhard, though I don't use the same default!). Just figure out something you can take "when there's nothing else." For me, that's an apple, a carrot, and either (1) the makings for a cheese quesadilla, which I can throw in the microwave at work or (2) a multigrain bagel that I toast with cheese in the toaster oven.

But most days, I do leftovers. And I plan meals early in the week that will make lunches for most of the rest of the week.

Today was leftover crustless quiche, apple and carrot (all the broccoli got eaten last night, so I was down to default fruits/veg).

Hope you come up with some good ideas!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:43 pm
by Nichole
Everyone has such great suggestions!

Today I bought lean lunch meats and some whole wheat rolls (fresh! not prepackaged!), as well as a fresh pickle, tomatoes, lettuce. I'm looking forward to the yummy fresh food rather than the Lean Cuisines I've been eating. A plus, I got to interact with the deli lady, who was really nice. You don't get that interaction when you buy the pre-packaged "deli meats". When I was getting my dill pickle, she was telling me about how there is a new thing people are eating out of pickle juice...pickle popsicles, YUCK.

It's so liberating to shop on the outskirts of the store and skip over all the snacks. I hated preplanning all my silly snacks. I don't miss 'em! And quite frankly, low fat mozzerella cheese sticks and sugar-free puddings were pretty GROSS anyways. Getting out of the house is so much quicker now without snacks. I also spent much less money!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:06 pm
by sweetsong32
It's only day two for me...
Yesterday I took soup and had a small salad.
Today, I had a turkey sandwich on 12grain bread and yogurt.
One of my favorite salads that I make is romaine lettuce with grilled chicken, walnuts, dried cranberries and shredded parmasean (however you spell it)
I will be looking for some 'new' lunch ideas too.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:28 am
by MerryKat
Most days I have a sandwich (various types of bread and various protein fillings), 2 veggies (usually a tomato, a chunk of cucumber), a piece of fruit.

I find this fills me up and it is easy to eat at my desk.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:58 pm
by franxious
I like big salads made with pre-washed lettuce. I'll add some tomato, pepper, cucumber, or carrots, and some fresh or dried fruit, and some nuts or seeds or cheese. Plus a hunk of whole grain bread.

Or, a peanut butter or cheese sandwich on thick-sliced whole grain bread with raisins and a piece of fruit.

I don't like to use the microwave, so I'll only bring leftovers if they can be eaten at room temperature (such as pizza or half a calzone).

I haven't eaten them lately, but hard-boiled eggs can be a great part of an easy, filling lunch.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:49 pm
by Bumpkyns
I have a little fridge and microwave in my classroom so really no excuse to not eat healthy. The problem is I have no creativity when it comes to eating. I get in ruts. The ideas here just slammed me in the face as in "Why the hayull did I not think of THAT??" :roll: Sure could use more ideas tho.. I need sauce ideas actually. I'd LOVE to eat a lot of homemade rice bowls and/or soup with adding whatever I can think of. I'm just a bit worried about a good sauce that doesn't have too much yucky stuff in it... as in sugar, ingredients I can't pronounce, etc... any ideas on that?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:26 pm
by blueskighs

if you have a fridge and a microwave have you ever tried ? That seems like with some add-ons, salad, roll, bread, crackers, whatever might help in a pinch. Also you could put fresh or frozen veggies in a ziploc or glad steam bag and toss them in the microwave. We have a ton of AMY'S stuff in our freezer, for the times (not that many these days) when I don't have time to cook.

I much prefer fresh prepared food but AMYS has the highest quality ingredients of frozen and the portion sizes are really great.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:41 am
by Bumpkyns
Thanks blue... I'll definitely check that site out. :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:30 am
by CrazyCatLady
I eat a lot of leftovers at lunch. After home cooked dinners, I put individual size servings into reheatable bowls. Sometimes I mix and match...had leftover garlic mashed potatoes and veggies from Saturday night dinner, with italian beef from Sunday night dinner. Certain foods freeze really well, so I will freeze individual servings to be taken to work later.

I also have bagged salad with leftover meat, eggs, cheese, or nuts. Extra veggies are usually added, too. Have some fruit on the side. I keep a can of low sodium soup in my desk drawer at work in case I don't bring lunch from home one day.

Ziploc baggies of crunchy fresh veggies are good (had celery and peanut butter last week), as are sandwiches with some chips or pretzels.

Just whatever sounds delicious and satisfying.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:47 pm
by irish
I'm amazed at all the healthy foods you people eat! Does anyone ever eat Spaghetti & meatballs or lasagna or, even worse, fettucine alfredo? With a salad on your plate, the portion wouldn't be that big. How about hot dogs or hamburgers? Casseroles? Real meat & potatoes meals? Otherwise I'd feel that I was on a diet.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:58 pm
by lmt2pt
gracie- yes. If those foods are good (and the salad on the same plate is actually what I do) to you, eat them. Hence my leftovers. I eat what I enjoy for dinner and my husband and I eat leftovers for lunch.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:14 pm
by Buffalo Gal
Lunch is the best!

Try a garlic and onion wrap with turkey, red pepper, lettuce and cranberry sauce mayo. Add an orange and a green bean tomato salad.

Or roast beef with horseradish cream cheese, lettuce on a everygthing bagel. Add a green salad. You can have whatever kind of dressing you like!

Add pickles or a small handful of chips.

I really like tuna with chopped apples and walnuts too!

Debbie (Buffalo Gal)

Re: meals

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:17 pm
by fkwan
gracie wrote:I'm amazed at all the healthy foods you people eat! Does anyone ever eat Spaghetti & meatballs or lasagna or, even worse, fettucine alfredo?
I have to eat healthy food. :)

I couldn't eat a normal portion of fettucine alfredo if someone held a gun to my back or even if Reinhard asked me nice. :P


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:23 pm
by Amyliz
I eat a lot of sandwiches, and i cut up an apple to go with them. very filling.

also, if you can melt the cheese - it becomes a very satisfying sandwich!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:24 pm
by Nichole
AmyLiz wrote:I eat a lot of sandwiches, and i cut up an apple to go with them. very filling.

also, if you can melt the cheese - it becomes a very satisfying sandwich!
MMmmmm grilled cheese...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:40 pm
by sassy
I eat pretty much whatever's leftover or available. What I do try to do everyday is eat an apple before I eat my lunch and that helps to keep me from over indulging in the things that may not be as healthy. This is my 6th day nosing and so far so good.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:38 pm
by tracey
Leftover lasagna or other pasta dishes is good for lunch. I also make fried rice with chicken and chicken noodle soup which are good.

I used to make pita sandwiches a lot. Pita bread, a little mayo, cucumber, turkey, some monterey jack cheese, and sprouts. YUM!

Pita makes good bread for anything though because you get the carrier aspect of bread without the bulk of it.

I also like the square bagels which make great sandwiches too. A little cream cheese and turkey is fantastic.

Currently I work at a place that provides lunch every day. It's not always the best but free is good. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:53 am
by Lilly
I love Taste of Home's Cooking For 2 magazine.
Now that I NoS I can read cookbooks again. Yeah! I have gotten rid of anything that has the words, diet(ceptin The No S Diet)low-fat, low-carb, healthy, etc. I trusted my body as a kid(actually I never even gave it a thought) and I was slim and well. I never even heard the words ff, low carb, healthy, etc., ad nauseum until I got on the ww train to dieter's H*** .
I will trust my body now. It never failed me. I listened to dieter's chatter and failed my body.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:10 am
by Tulsa
I'm in route sales so I usually eat on the run. I eat in the truck in between stops. A peanut butter sandwich and an apple or banana is the usual. I cut up the apple before leaving home so it's easier to eat.

Re: meals

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:01 am
by CrazyCatLady
fkwan wrote:
gracie wrote:I'm amazed at all the healthy foods you people eat! Does anyone ever eat Spaghetti & meatballs or lasagna or, even worse, fettucine alfredo?
I have to eat healthy food. :)

I couldn't eat a normal portion of fettucine alfredo if someone held a gun to my back or even if Reinhard asked me nice. :P

I eat Spagetti, and fettucine alfredo. I do still plan to buy the lowfat Ragu alfredo sauce, but a jar of that on pasta with some garlic seasoned chicken breast is heaven on a plate. And now that I eat one serving, instead of way too much, it is fairly healthy, too. Especially with my favorite broccoli on the side.

I think the reason No S will work for me is that I CAN eat anything. I am done cutting classes of foods out of my diet plan. If it takes longer to lose weight, I'm ok with that, because I'm sticking to this plan for the rest of my life.

If someone doesn't like fettucine alfredo, or choses not to eat meat or other foods, that is fine. But the real beauty of this plan is the flexibility, the ability to make it your own. And not having any food be on the never again list!

I am eating so much less food, and so much more healthy. And I am eating delicious foods. And somehow, now that I am able to eat anything, it seems easier to make better choices. I'm eating more fruit that I have in a long time, and enjoying it. I cut out pop (soda) again, and am just having water or tea. Its like a freedom, and I LOVE IT!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:26 am
by MerryKat
I would love to eat a cooked lunch but the food in our work canteen is greasy beyond belief and I can't bear to look at it much less eat it (I don't do fat on meat unless it is crisped to nothing) and also very expensive, so sandwiches are my option.

I have a whole tomato and a chunk of cucumber because those are the veggies I love and the easiest to eat at work with no needed preparation.

I have one or two pieces of fruit because I love fruit and no other reason (I would eat nothing else if I could).

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:47 am
by wosnes
gracie wrote:I'm amazed at all the healthy foods you people eat! Does anyone ever eat Spaghetti & meatballs or lasagna or, even worse, fettucine alfredo? With a salad on your plate, the portion wouldn't be that big. How about hot dogs or hamburgers? Casseroles? Real meat & potatoes meals? Otherwise I'd feel that I was on a diet.

No, I don't but there's a reason. I try to eat those heavy, rich foods no more often than once daily. Also, since I typically cook for 2-3 people and I'm the only one who will eat leftovers, I try to cook so there aren't leftovers. While I like all the foods you mention, I could pretty happily eat soup, salad and sandwiches for nearly all my meals! I just prefer lighter foods.

Lilly, I like Cooking for 2 magazine, too. There are a number of decent cookbooks for 1 or 2 as well. I find I use them most often as a starting point for amounts of food.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:25 pm
by Bumpkyns
Lilly wrote:I love Taste of Home's Cooking For 2 magazine.
Now that I NoS I can read cookbooks again. Yeah! I have gotten rid of anything that has the words, diet(ceptin The No S Diet)low-fat, low-carb, healthy, etc. I trusted my body as a kid(actually I never even gave it a thought) and I was slim and well. I never even heard the words ff, low carb, healthy, etc., ad nauseum until I got on the ww train to dieter's H*** .
I will trust my body now. It never failed me. I listened to dieter's chatter and failed my body.
DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!!!!!! AND of top of THAT... I just received my Cooking for 2... so I'm looking forward to checking it out.

Re: meals

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:06 pm
by kccc
gracie wrote:I'm amazed at all the healthy foods you people eat! Does anyone ever eat Spaghetti & meatballs or lasagna or, even worse, fettucine alfredo? With a salad on your plate, the portion wouldn't be that big. How about hot dogs or hamburgers? Casseroles? Real meat & potatoes meals? Otherwise I'd feel that I was on a diet.

I eat leftovers most days for lunch. Pasta and pesto or marinara is a staple at our house, and I do have them for lunch after. I don't have Alfredo only because I don't like it. And we do have hot dogs or hamburgers on occasion, though I honestly don't like them much either.

We also have pizza regularly - which I do like! - and casseroles. A favorite is homemade chicken pot pie.

So I eat what I like, and some would not be considered "diet" food. But... I happen to LIKE a lot of healthy food too. It tastes good. :)

what too eat for lunch real food ?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:54 pm
by chops
try pita pockets ya can stuff them with all kinds of stuff my favorite is baby fresh spinach, turkey,shredded cheddar cheese with spicy mustard. and for breakfast scrambled eggs, baby spinach, shredded cheese enjoy be well chops

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:08 pm
by Bumpkyns
Good ideas Chops... I prefer hot breakfasts with eggs and meats but don't want to take the time to eat them before leaving for work. That would be a good portable way to eat what I want.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:15 pm
by Shirls
I usually have a Greek salad which I make at home the night before and put in the fridge - a round of feta cheese, 4 olives, 5 baby tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and red or yellow peppers. On alternate days I have a cheese salad sandwich on multigrain bread. I found that five days of the salad was too much. Similarly a sandwich evey day was also too much. But I like the idea of a stuffed pita pocket so I'll be getting even more variety in future.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:04 pm
by wosnes
Shirls wrote:I usually have a Greek salad which I make at home the night before and put in the fridge - a round of feta cheese, 4 olives, 5 baby tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and red or yellow peppers. On alternate days I have a cheese salad sandwich on multigrain bread. I found that five days of the salad was too much. Similarly a sandwich evey day was also too much. But I like the idea of a stuffed pita pocket so I'll be getting even more variety in future.
Two questions: Why only 5 baby tomatoes (I assume you mean cherry or grapeP, and what is cheese salad?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:35 pm
by Tulsa
wosnes wrote:
Shirls wrote:I usually have a Greek salad which I make at home the night before and put in the fridge - a round of feta cheese, 4 olives, 5 baby tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and red or yellow peppers. On alternate days I have a cheese salad sandwich on multigrain bread. I found that five days of the salad was too much. Similarly a sandwich evey day was also too much. But I like the idea of a stuffed pita pocket so I'll be getting even more variety in future.
Two questions: Why only 5 baby tomatoes (I assume you mean cherry or grapeP, and what is cheese salad?
I don't know what her cheese salad is but my mom used to make a cheese salad with grated cheese, pimentos, and some type of dressing and made sandwiches with it.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:39 pm
by Shirls
Sorry, yes I meant cherry tomatoes, though these were rather big ones so five seemed about right. I like to alternate them with the olives when I eat the salad. I forgot to add I also have three or four pickled pepperdews with this salad.
A cheese salad sandwich (for me) consists of seed bread (granary bread I think you call it in the US) lettuce, sliced tomato and slices of cheese on top of the tomato. The layers of lettuce and cheese prevent the sandwich from getting soggy.