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What do you usually eat in a day??

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:31 am
by laphillips
I would just like some examples of some of your usual meals through the week. I am just starting and still confused.... Thanks

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:07 pm
by MerryKat
For now have what you would consider a good plateful of food and enjoy. You can eat anything you like on this diet plan - the only rules are

No Sweets (obvious sweet foods)
No Snacks (meaning timing not type of food)
No Seconds

So enjoy and don't over think things. This is definitely not your typical diet.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:45 pm
by rose
Finding meal formulas that enable you to follow noS effortlessly may require some adaptation depending on the indidual.

So yes, have what you normally would have at meals, and listen to your body. If you have trouble following the noS diet rules, it may help to adjust your meals.

You may need fuller, more balanced meals in order to avoid snacking, especially if you snacked a lot before noS.

Personally I can't add sugar to my breakfast nor have fruit juice (except for one piece of fruit), else I get _very_ hungry at 11am which is too early for lunch here. Other people can add sugar to their coffee or OJ without a problem!!

Anyway here is a typical N-day for me:

- unsweetened herbal tea
- multicereal bread OR muesli
- unsweetened yogurt
- apple OR small banana

- Hot plate: 1/3 veggies, 1/3 pasta or rice or (sometimes) french fries, 1/3 meat (proportions vary but I try to have a visually balanced plate. I eat at the canteen, sometimes my plate is too full and I leave some food). OR, exceptionally: pizza (but I tend to overeat on pizza! so it becomes a noS failure more often than not!)
- dessert plate of cut-up fruit

If really tired/bored/sick/cold, one small cup of hot chocolate drink. I don't have it every day. But it helps sometimes since I have a long afternoon stretch.

- a smaller plate of veggies/bread/cold meats. Sometimes it translates as a turkish or chinese deli meal (without the fries).
(Lunch is my main meal, I don't cook much)

I drink water and herbal tea.

(S days vary enormously...)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:29 pm
by Nichole
I've only been doing this a week, but here goes:

Some sort of whole grain cereal with skim milk.

I was doing Lean Cuisines, now I'm doing sandwiches on whole grain rolls from the bakery, low-fat mayo, lean luncheon meat, and lots of fresh dill pickle slices, tomato slices, and lettuce.

Whatever, with no seconds.

All I drink is water (that I've been doing for years though) and one or two cups of tea sweetened with Splenda (also something I've been doing for years now).

I think I've lost about a pound so far. I was eating a lot of sweets (a bowl of ice cream every night after dinner) and cutting out snacks saves me about 300 calories a day. So no snacks plus no ice cream is saving me over 500 calories a day!! That adds up. We'll see what happens. I'm staying positive and trying to keep in mind that weight loss like this is slow, but that's GOOD.

What I am Eating

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:32 pm
by vesta0424

I've just started on this regime. I decided that in order for me to be successful, I would eat any danged thing that I wanted as long as I didn't break the rules and this is, for me, the saving grace. So, I'm having bread, pasta, cereals, vegetables (lots), fruits, dried fruits and protein (I'm a veg, so that is mostly soy based and beans). I am sort of watching the fat, but I am eating cheese -- which is actually my most favorite food in the world. Also: Eggs, Avacados, etc.

Jeez, as I write this, I realize it is getting close to lunch. I must be hungry. What a novel feeling.
