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Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:57 am
by lmt2pt
My S day routine got changed up a bit yesterday. No problem because it's an S day. Unfortunately while thinking back I intellectually believe I didn't overdo it, my body feels icky and I know otherwise. I think it was the soda. We went to a spring college football game and since I don't like beer and I refuse to pay $5 for water, I had a soda. Only one over the course of the whole game, overly full of ice, but you know portion sizes these days. Not only do I not like soda that much any more, but my tummy really doesn't like it.

I guess before season starts I'm going to have to learn to live with paying $5 for water. Rather EACH water since I like water and tend to chug it. And I thought the season tickets were expensive. :shock:

paying more for CRAP

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:05 pm
by lola628
I know exactly how you feel. I get so angry when crap drinks cost less than water. IT'S WATER!!!

I refuse to eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. It's in EVERYTHING. (And I just noticed it's even in Campbell's tomato soup -wtf?) Amy's Organics are the BEST. So when I purchase pure simple foods that do not contain cheap sweeteners or DNA altering additives it costs three times as much money.

This makes me so angry I almost want to become a lobbyist for the health food industry or something. Like we need more lobbyists, not.

okay, that was my Sunday morning rant, I'll settle down now.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:12 pm
by wosnes
I've given up trying to completely avoid HFCS because like you said, it's everywhere. I can understand why it's in ketchup or tomato soup (not to mention jams and jellies). I sometimes add a little sugar to tomato sauces and such to cut the acidity. I also sometimes add some sugar to my salad dressings if the vinegar or juice is a little too tart. The difference is, I get to decide "when" and "how much."

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:52 pm
by blueskighs
I guess before season starts I'm going to have to learn to live with paying $5 for water.

GEEZ that is expensive! Even more that at the airport, the price gougers of the universe!!!!!! Oh well I would just look at it as more than water ... you are also buying your SANITY !!!!!!!!!! :D
Amy's Organics are the BEST

I agree! saved my butt when we went vegan almost two years ago. I am super picky about what I eat and so mostly I cook, but sometimes things come up. AMYS is great and they don't have just vegan they also have vegetarian. A LOT of there stuff is REALLY GOOD and they have great portion sizes.

I was in our local Jimbos and this girl said my husband told me if anything ever happened to me he would marry AMY... I thought that was so cute and funny!


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:01 pm
by lola628
Blueskighs - I'd marry Amy too!! (but isn't she 12 or something? I think Amy is the daughter of the company founders - I will have to check the link you posted, thanks!

Are you still vegetarian? I'm mostly pescetarian -- I also try to avoid HFCS like the plague. At least NYC banned trans fats last year, that was a step in the right direction, unfortunately the pollution is what's killing us now....oh, and the mercury in the sushi. I read too much.....

Re: Ick!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:31 am
by Mavilu
Imt2pt wrote:My S day routine got changed up a bit yesterday. No problem because it's an S day. Unfortunately while thinking back I intellectually believe I didn't overdo it, my body feels icky and I know otherwise. I think it was the soda.
I know the feeling; I had a few chocolate covered mint wafers and I had a metallic taste in my mouth for the rest of the day, as if I had eaten something unnatural.
lmt2pt wrote: I guess before season starts I'm going to have to learn to live with paying $5 for water. Rather EACH water since I like water and tend to chug it. And I thought the season tickets were expensive. :shock:
Buy one of those big nalgene water bottles and reuse it, it saves a lot of money if you are just refilling with the tap.


Re: Ick!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:19 am
by jordonk27
To go completely off-track... I see that you're from Florida. Did you go to UF's Orange and Blue Game, by any chance?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:29 am
by blueskighs

I am still veg-n! That is what I call it ... because the only thing I eat besides plant foods is organic yogurt and the eggs from a local lady who has real free range chickies ....OK and whatever dairy is in my treats!

But I don't eat cheese. I used to love cheese but we went raw for four months about three or four years and I never got to used to the taste or texture again.

I am not militant though :D ! BECAUSE I tell my husband this works for me now and I will just eat this way as long as I want to eat this way! But if I was going to add back more animal protien it would be fishies.

I think that is a really great diet.


Re: Ick!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:46 am
by rose
Mavilu wrote:[quote='Imt2pt"]My S day ...
Mavilu you mixed single and double quotes. Use double quote marks.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:24 am
by Mavilu
Facepalm!, duuuh!.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:48 am
by lola628
lmt2pt - can you take your own bottled water to the games? Or a chilled thermos type thing? If security doesn't allow you to take your own water that is TERRIBLE!!

Blueskighs - your eating plan sounds great! Do you eat the greek yogurt? That is so good! I tried to go raw for a week, I hallucinated the whole time. The ladies in my health food store told me "It's okay honey, it's the detox." I agree, this diet is fantastic, it's the "No Snacking" part that is really helping me. I don't usually eat seconds.

Right now I'm doing lower alkaline foods because I feel better on those (brown rice bread, bananas, spelt flakes, veggies, chicken, low sodium turkey breast, greek yogurt, it's all good!)

Then on S days, I eat candy. All day. No, just kidding.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:49 am
by lmt2pt
The stadium (USF uses a pro stadium) doesn't allow you to bring in your own drinks unless they are for formula for a baby. So $5 water it is.

Re: paying more for CRAP

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:30 pm
by bonnieUK
lola628 wrote:I know exactly how you feel. I get so angry when crap drinks cost less than water. IT'S WATER!!!

I refuse to eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. It's in EVERYTHING. (And I just noticed it's even in Campbell's tomato soup -wtf?) Amy's Organics are the BEST. So when I purchase pure simple foods that do not contain cheap sweeteners or DNA altering additives it costs three times as much money.

This makes me so angry I almost want to become a lobbyist for the health food industry or something. Like we need more lobbyists, not.

okay, that was my Sunday morning rant, I'll settle down now.
I totally agree with your rant, and will no doubt add to it :)
I just don't get why unrefined foods (i.e. real foods) are more expensive? (e.g. wholewheat bread, brown rice, wholewheat flour costs more than their white / refined counterparts?). I guess because refined foods are made more in bulk?

Historically, poor people were the ones who ate unrefined foods, whereas things like white bread and sugar were luxury items for the rich, now this trend seems reveresed, which is rather bizarre.

Re: paying more for CRAP

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:12 pm
by Noturningback
lola628 wrote:I know exactly how you feel. I get so angry when crap drinks cost less than water. IT'S WATER!!!

I refuse to eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. It's in EVERYTHING. (And I just noticed it's even in Campbell's tomato soup -wtf?) Amy's Organics are the BEST. So when I purchase pure simple foods that do not contain cheap sweeteners or DNA altering additives it costs three times as much money.

This makes me so angry I almost want to become a lobbyist for the health food industry or something. Like we need more lobbyists, not.

okay, that was my Sunday morning rant, I'll settle down now.
OMG - Last week, I too noticed HFCs are in Campbell's tomato soup! I couldn't even find an alternative in the grocery store. I was quite dissapointed that I had no other option. If I recall correctly, it's "up there" on the ingredients list too.


Re: paying more for CRAP

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:13 pm
by DianeA2Z
Noturningback wrote:
lola628 wrote:I know exactly how you feel. I get so angry when crap drinks cost less than water. IT'S WATER!!!

I refuse to eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. It's in EVERYTHING. (And I just noticed it's even in Campbell's tomato soup -wtf?) Amy's Organics are the BEST. So when I purchase pure simple foods that do not contain cheap sweeteners or DNA altering additives it costs three times as much money.

This makes me so angry I almost want to become a lobbyist for the health food industry or something. Like we need more lobbyists, not.

okay, that was my Sunday morning rant, I'll settle down now.
OMG - Last week, I too noticed HFCs are in Campbell's tomato soup! I couldn't even find an alternative in the grocery store. I was quite dissapointed that I had no other option. If I recall correctly, it's "up there" on the ingredients list too.

How about THIS for ridiculous: HFCS in whole wheat bread!!! Is nothing sacred???? I've been on the HFCS rant for awhile now and even have my dh reading labels when we shop for groceries. It makes me crazy to see how many products contain that vile, evil substance. I'm so bad I even try to talk other shoppers out of buying stuff w/HFCS in it. :oops: Yeah, I know, sometimes I just need to have a lip zipper.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:19 pm
by 3aday
Yeah, HFCS is everywhere.
I used to make myself crazy trying to avoid it.
I don't anymore,
I don't even worry about it anymore because I know with the built in portion control of No S, I am not ingesting the HUGE amounts I used to.

It is a shame that junk food is so much cheaper than health food.
I had a chicken biscuit for breakfast the other day. It was a dollar.
It's sad that one supersized meal that can probably feed 4 people is under 5 bucks but a carton of clementines is 10!

It's ridiculous.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:50 am
by blueskighs
Do you eat the greek yogurt? That is so good!
no .. although I have tried it ...I pretty much like all yogurt but am trying to stick with organic... do they have greek organic? I don't think they do at our store. They have about twenty kinds of organic, russian, european ... but I dont think the greek is organic here
I tried to go raw for a week, I hallucinated the whole time. The ladies in my health food store told me "It's okay honey, it's the detox."
that is so funny! I don't remember any particular thing like that when we went raw ... I actually really enjoyed it, but we started in the summer and about four months later in the winter I was just like, hey I really want some cooked food :lol:
Then on S days, I eat candy. All day. No, just kidding
you are funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
