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I lost weight but why? Been gone a bit, need advice.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:57 pm
by Bumpkyns
Hello everyone... I'm so glad I discovered the WW NO-S story earlier than when the magazine was officially out. It has taken me THIS LONG to figure this out, like a month or so, to ALMOST get where I need to be in terms of not thinking about food, and how to manage my days. That's a big feat after struggling with it for 35 yrs, changing a habit like that.I know with this I don't have to manage my day in the negative way anymore.

HOwever, I've had a couple issues to deal with lately. One, I haven't been able to get online to this board for several days, and wanted to so much. So I was left to figure this out on my own til I could get here. I went to a nutritionist as an alternative way to try to manage my chronic pain issues thinking nothing about my weight coming into her picture. I'm so tired of living on pain pills and muscle relaxers for 20 yrs. So she sold me a fortunes worth of supplements, vitamins, and diagnosed me with a long list of stuff my Dr. thinks is insane.

But what really got my attention was her telling me she wants me on the Blood type diet and gave me the little book for it to get me started. So I read it, and decided Id' try it but COMBINE it with NO-S living. Boy was that hard... I don't have any problems eating the "books" way, since being a blood type A, I'm supposed to feast and survive mostly with totally natural foods, fruits and vegetables. Well wouldn't that be good for ANY blood type? As in, people in general?

At any rate... there were some specific limitations she put on it, as in certain types of wheat stuff, no sugar at all, not even fake. Only the natural stuff from the health food store, et... Well that's sort of what I was leaning to anyway, to eat healthier in general. I guess where it got hard was deciding what to do with the fruit or SF jello she told me to eat in between meals as snacks, and then of course, I would NOT be able to enjoy a sweet treat that NoSing would have allowed on weekends. So there were some clear differences where I had to make a decision, on which one to go with.

I do think there's a way to combine them, and still satisfy her on wanting to get rid of all the yeast and other crappy stuff she says is in my body... But yesterday and today, it was NoSing all the way honey. Blueberry bread pudding, last nights snack and todays breakfast. But you know what? I feel like crap after eating so much of it that I did. Ive been a glutton about it in fact. And I think I know why. I was stressed, having to deal with "rules" again, struggling at the grocery store on whether this type of whatever was better for me than that type. So I reverted back to my last 35 yrs of food issues, weird food relationship crap,etc... I got into that "I'll show them" mentality, and did whatever the hell-o I wanted to do. Even though I'd lost 2.5 lbs in the last couple weeks, I probably just ruined it this weekend. Does any of this make sense?? :?: :(

I was learning a bit about control doing the NoS way, and feeling good about making positive changes with my food relationships... then pigged out this weekend to the point of feeling badly about myself like I've done all these years. And all because of trying to follow a specific plan, but mostly mad about having to deal with details, how many grams of this vs. how many of that, how much wheat was in it, gluten, etc... sugar...blah blah blah. I mean I was JUST getting away from that kind of crap, then she tells me I have all this stuff that I need to release from my body. I mean I'm not even supposed to have strawberries and mango, or even apples, and no mushrooms (yeast) or even cucumbers! What's up with that??? What could possibly be wrong about those? Any nutrition people out there to help with this? They're all things I enjoy a great deal.

I just think I need to do my NoS thing, with as much healthy food as possible, and if tha occasionally includes strawberries, mangoes, etc... then so be it. I was just getting into the mentality of wanting to focus on healthy foods, then wham. Some of the healthy stuff I was enjoying are banned now, and I don't know why. So now when I start to eat a strawberry or an apple, I'm dealing with guilt issues again. WHEN WILL IT STOP???????????????

The only positive to all this is my little weight loss thing, and I did join the Y this week too, but only worked out once so far. I just don't know what to attribute the loss to.

Anyway, sorry for ranting and thx for listening. I'm off to read threads. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:06 pm
by wosnes
How did we ever get along without all the experts to tell us what to eat? But seriously, I'd question the qualifications of anyone who suggests the blood-type diet.

I'd also say to do what makes sense to you.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:08 pm
by Bumpkyns
Thanks wosnes, I think that's kind of where I was going with this. Gosh I didn't realize how long my thread was til i came in here to read yours. Sorry yall! I really am.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:47 pm
by Jesseco
Bumpkyns, it was helpful to me to discover the No S diet from the book, too. I read the book twice in a row!

I'd been strongly influenced by the Zone diet several years ago and then by counting everything--grams of protein, carbs, fiber, sugars, and fats so that I'd have a huge chart for each day's eating! After a while I couldn't stand to do THAT anymore and then promptly gained 10 lbs.!

I've read the blood type book, but never seriously got into eating that way. I do try to eat healthfully and without gluttony now.

I also take supplements, and I do think they help with my energy level. However, I take some on alternate days because they are so expensive. And the multis I take, you are supposed to take 4 antioxidants a day and 4 multiminerals a day to get your multivitamins! I have halved that amount because otherwise it's too much money and too much swallowing of those pills!

For a while I tried to give up all yeast too, because I had a blood test done and it said I was allergic to yeast! Well, guess what, yeast is in just about everything, under different names. And since I wasn't even really suffering with anything that I knew of, that also went by the wayside.

If I were suffering with pain, though, I might try to eliminate wheat, or some of the nightshade plants, just to see if that would help. But sometimes I think the restrictions these people impose on us are not only not helpful, but counterproductive because we can't maintain them, and probably don't even need to!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:51 pm
by Bumpkyns
Awesome and helpful thoughts guys. Thanks so much.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:22 pm
by blueskighs

I did blood type diet about ten years ago and got SKINNY! I am blood type A too. If I am correct then sugar is allright for blood type A. I got off the blood type diet because I cycled into a binging mood. It is interesting though that if you focus on your beneficial foods your body calms down in an interesting way.

That being said I cannot not eat tomatoes, bananas, chickpeas ... which are all avoids for me. Also my husband is type O the kind that is supposed to thrive on meat as opposed to A which is vegetarian.

One of the things I really liked about Blood Type is it really acknowledge the truth is that as individuals a way of eating that works excellently for me might not work so great for you or anyone else.

I think there are no cookie cutter ways to eat and just as we are all unique. The one good thing about ALL of the diet nutrition stuff I have studied and read is I probably got at least one really good "learning" out of each one. As I have integratred this stuff over the years it is so much more natural for me to choose foods that I love that make me feel good and taste YUMMY.

Also, I really know what I enjoy and don't enjoy treat wise. I think that really helps my S days go so much more smoothly.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:30 pm
by Mavilu
wosnes wrote:How did we ever get along without all the experts to tell us what to eat? But seriously, I'd question the qualifications of anyone who suggests the blood-type diet.

I'd also say to do what makes sense to you.
A Registered Dietititan would never, ever suggest a diet such as The Blood Type Diet, which, by the way, is a bunch of bologni.
Are you sure this person is an R.D.?, because anyone can call themselves "Nutritionists" and open an office and tell you whatever they want to tell you.
An R.D., however, went through at least five years of college to get their qualifications and must be able to get their registration by the American Dietetic Association.
I know this because I was going for the title but I stopped taking classes when I started taking medical nutrition classes, which deals with the nutrition for those with horrible diseases and I just couldn't take it without getting bouts of depression (yes, I'm a shrinking violet!).

Anyway, beware of your nutritionist, if you don't want to heed my words, then heed your doctor's, he obviously is wary of your nutritionist.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:12 am
by CrazyCatLady
I understand that different people process different foods differently, but it doesn't make sense to me that knowing your blood type can say what foods are good or bad for you. And its ok to question when something doesn't make when my dd was diagnosed by an alternative doc with allergies, and she was allergic to lettuce. How can you be allergic to lettuce?!?

I think No S stands well on its own, but can also be blended with other diet needs. For example, my doc has me on a low sodium diet. I am trying to stick to No S, while still staying away from most high sodium foods. I can't have soup at a restaurant, even if it fits No S. So you could cut certain foods out, and still No S. But if adding the blood type diet to No S is making you eat less healthful, I would say put it on hold for a month. Then, once you are stronger at No S-ing, and have had time to look into the blood type diet, try adding it into No S.

And trust yourself. If the blood type diet makes more sense to you or seems to be helping more than No S, do it. If No S seems more helpful (and healthful) to you, then do No S. Sometimes I think we forget to trust our gut feeling.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:30 am
by OrganicGal
I must say here that I don't think the Blood Type diet is total bunk! I am blood type O....and I have learned that eating meat IS a good thing for me. My body is sensitive to carbs and sugar. Now that could be because of my blood type or it could just be 'me' or maybe it's a bit of both. My point is by reading about and implementing 'some' of the blood type diet practices, I learned a lot about my body and how it reacts to food.

I do think, though that eating healthy, fresh, unprocessed, unpackaged foods as much as possible would help everyone, then follow that up/combine it with the No S plan and I at least am good to go for a healthy lifestyle :)

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:34 am
by blueskighs

I must say here that I don't think the Blood Type diet is total bunk!
I agree! It may sound farfetched but not all people fare will on a vegan or vegetarian diet which I thrive on. It points out innate differences in our ancestry based on our bloodtype ...Os meateaters, As better on plant based food diets and then there are those ABs who I think are the ones are who do best with dairy.

I PERSONALLY FIND DIFFERENT IDEAS AND APPROACHES INTERESTING ...and the Blood Type Diet should one choose to follow it would not in anyway conflict with the principles or structure of NO S. No sense condemning things we that we don' find appealing! Best to just take what works and leave the rest!


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:40 am
by bonnieUK
So she sold me a fortunes worth of supplements, vitamins, and diagnosed me with a long list of stuff my Dr. thinks is insane.

But what really got my attention was her telling me she wants me on the Blood type diet and gave me the little book for it to get me started.
Hi Bumbykins,

A good nutritionist should be making recommendations about healthy diet and testing you for any allergies / intolerance, personally I think that giving you a diet book to follow is kind of a cop out, she should be giving you the diet advice not relying on a book. I’m a type O and according to the blood type diet theory I should be a total carnivore & avoiding grains – in reality I thrive on a vegan diet and find that animal products have never agreed with me (especially dairy, which I’m intolerant too) so either the diet is nonsense or I’m just an exception :)

If I were you I’d get a second opinion from another nutritionist, I’d also say don’t trust ones which sell supplements themselves as you can never be sure if you really need the supplements or they’re just trying to make money at your expense. (My DH went to see one once and was given a list of supplements to look for and buy, but told he didn’t have to have them, they’d just be useful. He was also given some fairly sane dietary advice (about avoiding sugar and refined foods etc.). Not sure if that helps but best of luck :)