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New - First Day

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:38 pm
by michwendt3

I'm new. I got tired of Weight Watchers, so I went on Amazon and punched in weight loss. Out of the many books I looked at, this seemed new and it made sense.

I've read half the book, but decided to get started today and keep reading. So far, I've had breakfast at 8:00 am. Now I feel a little hungry. A little weird to me. I'm used to eating whenever I'm hungry. This is something new, though, and I'm excited to try it. I have about 15 pounds to lose.

Will post on the daily check-in later.


Week One

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:43 pm
by Buffalo Gal
Good Luck Michele!

I have just finished week one and I cannot believe how simple and rewarding this is. I too tried WW and it worked until I got bored ot frustrated with it. This is something I can do for the rest of my life.

Buffalo Gal

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:30 pm
by bettyp
Did WW too !!
This is day 1 for me too !!!
Good luck to ya!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:56 pm
by reinhard
I'm used to eating whenever I'm hungry.
So are most people today -- which is why they're overweight.

No-s reverses that -- you'll train yourself to get hungry only when it's time to eat.

In the meantime, you might get a little hungrier than you'd like between meals. That's OK. It's natural and to be expected. It isn't going to kill you. On the contrary -- you'll start enjoy your meals more when you're a little hungry going in: "appetite is the best sauce."


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:09 am
by Nodar
I am also new today. My husband and I are in this together!! So far, so good. I'm a "grazer" so it was difficult for me to think of no snacks, but it really worked out well. I made sure to space my meals so I wasn't left wanting something more this evening. I've been on many, many different diets and I believe this is the first plan that I can see being on forever. As Reinhard said, we have our "before" pictures and we willl have our "during" pictures!! :D

my first day is over

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:40 am
by xmenmom
well, I made it throught a day w/out soda -- a very big deal for me. I do have a low-grade headache but nothing terrible. I was pretty hungry about a hour or so before my scheduled meals, but I agree that hunger isn't an enemy and could sometimes feel good. So I thought about it, and ate my dinner carefully and slowly to feel the hunger leave. It's kinda interesting.

I'm looking forward to having a Coke on Saturday!

good night all



Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:13 pm
by michwendt3
Thanks for the encouragement everyone!! :D

I feel so sad that my day's eating is over.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:38 am
by BrightAngel
This is my first day too.
It is 5:30 p.m. here and I just finished dinner.

Although my body is satisfied,
I feel so sad that I can't eat anymore today. :cry:
I'm pretty sure I'll be going to bed really early tonight.

My day usually starts at 4 a.m. and finishes at 8 p.m.
Breakfast is around 7 a.m.,
Lunch around 12 noon, and
Dinner around 5 p.m.

Today, I've greatly missed all my normal snacking,
especially my mid-morning, mid-afternoon snacks,
and now my evening snack,
as I like snacking better than meals.
Hopefully, that preference will change.

day 2 - not so great

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:11 am
by xmenmom
i broke down and had a pepsi around 2:30. I had a headache and knew it was from withdrawal. my headache did go away!!!

had 3 squares today, but felt I ate more since I knew that was it. Felt very before lunch.

I hope this gets easier.

good night to all.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:58 pm
by Susie
Hi - Iam new as first day...I read about this diet last week and started today...I hope to do well but I love food. Good Luck.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:28 pm
by Annapolis Princess
:) I am on day 5 and it seems too simple - I was used to snacking 2 times a day so it seems odd not to but so far so good. Good luck to all.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:43 pm
by sweetsong32
Hi and WELCOME!!
I am on week 2 and this has been the easy thing I have ever done.
So freeing. The first few days were a little fough as far as hunger goes.
But now, i only get hungry just before it is time to eat.
And I eat whatever I 'feel' like eating; as long as it does not go against the 3 rules! :-)
I do make some 'healthy' choices, but overall, I eat what I want.


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:45 am
by blueskighs
I just finished my 21 days on Monday and I swear this "diet" has already completely transformed my relationship with food and eating, AND THAT has really reduced the overall stress in my life and already is starting to free up a lot of energy to use on other things!
