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HUGE hug for Reinhard if I get to 145

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:09 pm
by Nichole
If I get to 145 next week (currently 146ish), I'm going to want to give Reinhard a BIG hug. I haven't seen the scale say 145 for about one and a half years.

Before, I'd get on a "salads every day" kick or a "no sweets" kick and lose a couple pounds. I'd jump on the scale, it would say something less, and I'd celebrate. Then I'd be 150 again. These self imposed rules never got me below 146.

But it's funny, stick a name on something ("No-S") and give some concise "rules" that someone else made up, then all of a sudden it's easy to stick to!

So the difference is now I get on the scale, it says 146 and I eat the same way I did the day before. This will help prevent it skyrocketing back up. Making my own rules just did not work. I don't know why. Like I said, you stick a name on something . . .

So if I get to 145, I'm going to be so amazed!!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:32 pm
by Nossuzy
Congrats! You will get there for sure :)

I had the same roller coaster.. Seems like I could get to a certain number but if I went off plan even a bit, woosh, the weight was back!!

Hooray for No-S :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:54 pm
by Nossuzy
Nichole- by the way, how tall are you?

We have similar goals, I am about 148-150 now and I want to get down to 135 for my "happy" weight. I am about 5'4 1/2".

Congrats on your loss :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:55 pm
by Nichole
I am 5'4". You're just a half inch taller than me!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:56 pm
by wosnes
I'm probably a weird one here, but I find it incredibly sad that everyone is so focused on a number -- and relying on something so inaccurate as a scale.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:56 pm
by reinhard
Good luck -- Looking forward to my hug :-)

Do be careful about obsessing to much about the scale, though... ... .php?id=24


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:57 pm
by Nichole
I will! I avoid it at all costs. Curiosity got the best of me the other day, though.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:00 pm
by Nichole
wosnes wrote:I'm probably a weird one here, but I find it incredibly sad that everyone is so focused on a number -- and relying on something so inaccurate as a scale.
I know they're inacurate and I know if you have a bit more water the day before, the scale will go down. Or if you're dehydrated, it will go up. And so on. My clothes have been fitting better and everything... But in the past the scale really would not go down past 146, which is why I got excited...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:02 pm
by Nossuzy
Cool, we will have to keep tabs on each other :) I know we will be at our goals in no time.

Last summer I was down to 135 on a really restrictive diet that no human could ever stick to long term and gained most of it back over the winter. I was really happy at 135. I was about 121 before I had my son but that was 5 years ago and sooo hard to keep at that weight without being starving all the time. I can't do that anymore.

Good luck to both of us! When did you start? I started 4/7...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:09 pm
by camburger
I know numbers aren't everything, but I would be super-excited to see those numbers also. I haven't been 145 since high school. I got down to 148 two years ago but I was terribly ill and skipping meals. 5'5" here and 154. I can't wait for the five and the four to switch places!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:10 pm
by Nichole
I started at 4/4. My goal is 140, because I was that a short time ago and I really liked it. I figured out it was because I was not snacking like I have been since starting a full time desk job.

I like all the energy I have now and how I don't have to plan snacks ahead of time. I'm saving a lot of money without having to buy string cheese and sugar free pudding, etc.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:22 pm
by Nossuzy
This is the first time in a long time I actually feel like this is going to happen for me.

Let's keep each other motivated and track our progress....

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:29 pm
by Nichole
Sure! Do you think we should start a thread in the Daily Check In Section?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:24 pm
by flipturn
Me, too; my goal is also 145. I was very careful with my eating and weighed 125 pre-pregnancy. I loved that weight but it was too unrealistic for me. Then I weighed 135, which I also enjoyed. That was how much I weighed when we moved to Paris. I remember going shopping for some summer trousers and having saleswomen say, "Ooh-la-la," they didn't carry big sizes (a 10 at that weight). Here that enough and I guarantee you that you will gain! A few years later I went to a clothing store with my winter coat on and asked to see a dress in the window in a size 10. I was no longer that size but wanted to try it on for motivation's sake. The saleswoman barged in on me while I was putting my clothes back on and hissed at me, "You lied about your size!" Sorry for the digression!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:40 pm
by Nichole
flipturn wrote:Me, too; my goal is also 145. I was very careful with my eating and weighed 125 pre-pregnancy. I loved that weight but it was too unrealistic for me. Then I weighed 135, which I also enjoyed. That was how much I weighed when we moved to Paris. I remember going shopping for some summer trousers and having saleswomen say, "Ooh-la-la," they didn't carry big sizes (a 10 at that weight). Here that enough and I guarantee you that you will gain! A few years later I went to a clothing store with my winter coat on and asked to see a dress in the window in a size 10. I was no longer that size but wanted to try it on for motivation's sake. The saleswoman barged in on me while I was putting my clothes back on and hissed at me, "You lied about your size!" Sorry for the digression!
Oh man, what a good story. The nerve of them, btw! 135/size 10 are NOT that heavy--barely big at all. The way I'm built, I am a size 10 at this weight. I have not been 125 lbs since I was probably a junior in high school.... I have no kids and I'm at 146, so imagine how much I'll weigh after I have kids! Oh God, I don't even want to think about that...!!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:05 pm
by Blithe Morning
The hard part about moving away from the scale mentality is that the numbers are a "reward". And it's a reward that has meaning on a social as well as individual level. Consider the reactions you would get from telling someone that you had 6 weeks straight of green on your habitcal versus telling them you are down 3 pounds.

Plus, we assign a lot of meaning to our weight, most commonly our value as a person. Flylady who has her own system (Body Clutter) talks about how our weight is just a number; that we are not our weight. Whether or not the number is a good number has nothing to do whether we are good people.

Even though I don't agree with her system (daily weighing and I think snacks) I do agree with that particular point of view.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:19 pm
by Amyliz
hi - I've messaged with Nichole about this before - but i'm 155 and want to get to 135 too! i think it would be really great to have a daily check-in with a few people in the 150 to 130 Club! i'm only 5'1" - but i carry my weight well, and people are usually VERY surprised that i weigh 155 (if i tell them)
I hired a trainer a year ago, and he said 'wow, you DO not look like a 155lb woman' ... that aside, i remember being 135 (5yrs ago) and it was ideal. so thats my goal.

started No-S Mar. 30th, so i'm in the middle of my 3rd week.
I'm saving a lot of money without having to buy string cheese and sugar free pudding, etc.
no kidding! i'm loving not spending money on all the 'healthy' snacks and bars i used to!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:22 pm
by Nichole
AmyLiz wrote:hi - I've messaged with Nichole about this before - but i'm 155 and want to get to 135 too! i think it would be really great to have a daily check-in with a few people in the 150 to 130 Club! i'm only 5'1" - but i carry my weight well, and people are usually VERY surprised that i weigh 155 (if i tell them)
I hired a trainer a year ago, and he said 'wow, you DO not look like a 155lb woman' ... that aside, i remember being 135 (5yrs ago) and it was ideal. so thats my goal.

started No-S Mar. 30th, so i'm in the middle of my 3rd week.
I'm saving a lot of money without having to buy string cheese and sugar free pudding, etc.
no kidding! i'm loving not spending money on all the 'healthy' snacks and bars i used to!
Hi again!! I get the same thing. I carry my weight very evenly (not bragging here! sorry if it comes off that way). My mother-in-law (to be) says I'm "well proportioned." haha.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:33 pm
by Amyliz
Hi!! so did you start a daily check-in with Nossuzy?
my body shape is the same way, proportioned. its not bragging, and honestly its good and bad. good b/c most people don't think of me as an 'overweight' person. Bad b/c its easier to ignore the real issues about how much overeating i was doing b/c it doesn't show in one place (ie my stomach and thighs)

its just a little bit all over!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:35 pm
by Nossuzy
Yes, let's start a thread for Daily Check in.

That is the one thing too that I can say, I gain weight really evenly so people are often suprised when I tell them I've gained weight. I guess we have to be happy about something!! LOL.

I really just want to be at 140 by June or July. I just hate feeling overweight in the hot summer. I would be fine if it took me the rest of the year to lose the last 5.

how should we start this check in??

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:45 pm
by Amyliz
hi Nossuzy! (can I call you is Suzy)?

lets just start a check-in - but what should the title be?
'20lbs to go check-in'
or 135 club check-in?

just some ideas.
i am also setting a summer goal, i'd like to be 145 by mid-june. that would be 11 weeks from my start date.

i haven't weighed my self since i started, and i'm trying to stay away from a scale until may 15th (arbitrary date to motivate me)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:06 pm
by Nichole
I've been trying to think of a title too. It's hard because we all have similar goals, but are slightly different.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:10 pm
by Amyliz
what about 'common goal girls check-in'

too cheesy??

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:15 pm
by Nichole
We all seem to want to be between 135-140, so how about something like what you said before? "150 to 135 Check-In" or "135 Goal Check-In". We can explain that it's give or take a couple lbs. So if you're 155 looking to get to 140, you're in!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:18 pm
by flipturn
I'm in, too, regardless of the title. Nurses in doctors' offices are always surprised by my weight also. I am athletic (well, I do call myself 'flipturn' here!) and like to imagine that I am carrying most of the weight as muscle, ha-ha. Trust me, only the Olympic shot-put (is that what it is called?)athletes weigh as much as I do.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:24 pm
by Amyliz
Hey flipturn, i was going to ask if you are a swimmer ..
i am too, well at least i was in high school. Still swim on occasion, but my gym doesn't have a pool.

I like the '135 Goal Check-in'
lets do it

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:42 pm
by flipturn
Hi, AmyLiz -- I used to Spin a lot until I tore my meniscus in three places. My surgeon suggested that I find a different form of exercise, so I got back into swimming and joined the Y. I swim four days a week with a Masters group (please note that I am the slowest in the group but still have a lot of fun).

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:06 pm
by Amyliz
Started the check-in! see you there ...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:00 pm
by flipturn
Hi, Nichole -- Sorry that I forgot to respond to your posting re the size 10 anecdote. I loved what you had to say and laughed out loud. I guess that we will get to know one another through our new check-in thread!