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What is your(current) biggest challenge?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:43 pm
by Lilly
Mine is I am never hungry for breakfast. I can remember not being hungry for breakfast as early as being a kid.
Pre-nos, I would get hungry around 1pm and then it was one long meal til bedtime.
So I have something plain by 10:30 am (like a yourt) just to get the wheels turning. Then my second and third plate of the day are consumed with relish. I remember eating a piece of toast as a kid/teen because Mom said we had to eat something in the morning.
I have tried not eating after 4pm(pre-no and I still wasn't hungry for breakfast so I guess it's just the way I'm wired.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:01 pm
by wosnes
I guess mine is the same as yours. I've never been much of a breakfast eater. The heck of it is, I really like breakfast food, just not at breakfast time!

In the past couple of years I've started eating breakfast more -- just made myself. I generally have light, "break-the-fast" things: fruit and toast or a smoothie. Every once in a while I'll have some oatmeal. If I do brunch I can eat more typical breakfast foods.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:13 pm
by Nichole

I've gotten used to eating half of a large pizza when my fiance and I split, or an entire medium pizza from Papa Johns when I get my own, etc. Now I try to have some salad with it and stick to two pieces. Two pieces is all that fits nicely onto a regular-size plate. It's VERY difficult though. I just love pizza.

My midafternoon hunger can get pretty intense, too. I've been drinking water and hot tea to help that out.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:46 pm
by wosnes
nfalcone wrote:Pizza.

I've gotten used to eating half of a large pizza when my fiance and I split, or an entire medium pizza from Papa Johns when I get my own, etc. .
The easiest way for me to eat only two pieces of pizza is to get Papa John's! I think that is one of the worst pizza's I've ever had. One of my daughter's loves it. Blech. We had it last night and I couldn't even finish the second piece.

Different strokes....

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:04 pm
by Nichole
wosnes wrote:
nfalcone wrote:Pizza.

I've gotten used to eating half of a large pizza when my fiance and I split, or an entire medium pizza from Papa Johns when I get my own, etc. .
The easiest way for me to eat only two pieces of pizza is to get Papa John's! I think that is one of the worst pizza's I've ever had. One of my daughter's loves it. Blech. We had it last night and I couldn't even finish the second piece.

Different strokes....
I love their pizza.... And that garlic sauce stuff. I especially love their veggie pizza. mm! My absolute favorite is a family-owned pizza shop in my home neighborhood. I live 30 miles from it now :(

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:10 pm
by JillyBean
My current biggest challenge is not snacking before dinner. I have always eaten breakfast. I have a satisfying and "nutritious" lunch. There are about 5 hours between lunch and dinner and while I am preparing it, I am sooo tempted to eat something. My husband has a beer (he's doing this with me) because he's also hungry at that time, but I hate beer. I am considering a glass of wine. Could be just the ticket - mellow me out. I will have to stick with just one glass though as I think that ought to be my "glass ceiling." I have a few (35-40) pounds to lose, but once I do, I will be a "wee little thing" as Reinhard mentions in the discussion on glass ceilings. Anyway, I am hoping that this pre-dinner problem doesn't last long.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:36 pm
by Bumpkyns
Mine is stress eating which preferably includes something chocolate. When I'm really stressed as I've been for a couple weeks now (and I mean a whole new level of stress outside of teaching inner city troubled children), and will be for another week or two (I know this based on a situation I'm in right now) I want to chow down on chocolate bigtime. And if it's not available, I'll take just about anything for my drug of choice at that moment (as in food). Right now however... I just keep thinking "don't do it, it's not worth it, don't let those mean people cause you to do something not good for your body as that would mean they are in control and not me"...etc...etc.. because one reason I got on here was to not grab something to eat. So this board helps in more ways than one... :wink:

So yeah... that's what ruins things for me. Another thing helping me right now is knowing on my way home, I can get one of the best "homemade" made to order pizzas on the planet, take home, bake and voila! Thanks to this pizza stuff on here, :lol: I thot of that and went "hmmm, leave the chocolate alone and look what you get at home in return"!!!

I'm dieing here people! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:54 pm
by carla70
My is friday nights and I work in a nursing home when people bring me cake or whatever when there is a birthday or special occasion. I also have faced the pre-supper hungries where I want to snack.. but it's water water water.

I need to do the glass ceiling when I do have something to drink because sometimes it gets to be 3 or 4 before I stop.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:35 pm
by Amyliz
my biggest challenge is not getting panicked that i'm not seeing results therefore doing it all wrong! so i guess patience.
i really haven't had a problem sticking with the diet, and i've promised not to start 'tweaking' meal content for at least 6 weeks on habit.

if there are still no results at all, i'll start looking at my S-days etc.
but as for the glass ceiling, having a small glass of wine after dinner has helped me to not snack. i sip it, and its sometimes sweet, so its helpful.
but no more than two!


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:39 am
by scottwblack
Sticking to a one-serving dinner after working my butt off at work for 9 hours.


I need to work through that until I can keep my portions down.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:43 am
by blueskighs
Portion sizes ... getting my meals to match my true hunger ... I am probably getting it right 45 -75 % of the time, but when I am not getting hungry for my meals I know I have been eating too much and then I have to struggle to cut back my portions!


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:08 am
by MerryKat
My biggest challenge is snacking around 17h00 - 18h00. My solution is to have a glass of milk at 15h00 which prevents the urge before dinner.

My second challenge is snacking after dinner. My DH always wants a snack - biltong, nuts, chocolate - after dinner and I find it very difficult to not join in. My solution is reminding myself of my No S and how good I have been all day and how I don't want to wreck it over an evening snack.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:03 pm
by tgp157
Afternoons between 3:00 & 5:00. I will drink milk or diet grapico & that has worked pretty good.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:30 pm
by fkwan
Not bingeing on weekends, which are very stressful. I'm fine during the week because I eat all my meals at work, but on the weekends I'm at home in a toxic environment. Worse my (unemployed) husband is not only a chef, but a chef genius, and makes things like blueberry muffins "to use up the frozen blueberries".

It's a good thing he's not in the mood to use up the Scharfenberger chocolate in the fridge. :P


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:13 pm
by gulfcoastmom
my big thing is the mid morning snack..........which leads to a full forage for food...........this is day 4 and i have not been successful..... :cry:

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:31 pm
by Buffalo Gal
Try chewing a piece of gum. I have a long stretch of time between lunch (noon) and dinner (6:30)...gum helps.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:37 pm
by Nichole
My biggest challenge at this very moment are the Dunkin' Donuts that are sitting out for everyone as we speak.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:31 pm
by Bumpkyns
gulfcoastmom wrote:my big thing is the mid morning snack..........which leads to a full forage for food...........this is day 4 and i have not been successful..... :cry:
Gulf... for what it's worth, I wasn't successful at all for my first nearly 3 weeks of this, but I can tell you that each week got a tad easier, then finally each day... at this point, I'm focusing on each hour because of this stressful situation I'm in, but that's a whole lot more progress than it was when I started out. I'll still have my "failure" days, but they're farther and fewer between because I will not give up doing whatever mental stuff I gotta do to make it happen. And one of the many good things I'm learning that I've never been able to do before, is to not throw out my whole day's or week's worth of progress due to one slipup. It's getting easier now to not use that as an excuse to throw it all to the wind.

My point being, please don't give up when you don't see instant success. It's coming in more ways than you may realize right now, and your body, mind and spirit will be the better for it.

In friendship...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:26 pm
by Rheba
Had a choelestral (sp) test done this a.m. and they also did a blood sugar...which read half way in the pre-diabetic range. Never in all my wildest dreams did I figure that I would be facing something like this in my "retirement" years. I will give my dr. until tomorrow to contact me about the reading...I had it faxed to her...and then I will call and make an appt. with her for Monday. If I am pre-diabetic I want to know so that I can do all within my powers to negate it. Hopefully by staying with No S plan I can do just that.