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What do you eat?????

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:51 pm
by carla70
I am wondering what everyone is eating at mealtimes. Are you worrying about what you eat? I have been cooking "normal" not no fat or whatever and just having the one plate. I am not too keen eating everything low fat or fat free... some is ok but all of it is no I have some receipe books that I haven't touched in years because I feel they don't have "good" for you foods, but with this plan I feel it is more as we should be portion control.. one plate. So I can look through them and try some new recipes on my family.

As a guy i know who has lost an incredible about of weight said when I asked how he did it he replied "i watch what goes in the big trap".

So, wondering what everyone else is doing.

What do you eat?????

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:56 pm
by Too solid flesh
As you are thinking, I cook normal meals from umpteen cookery books. I don't aim to cook low fat meals, just something tasty and with plenty of vegetables.

Sometimes I include snack type foods (eg tortilla chips) as part of a meal. If I include such things occasionally as ordinary food, it stops them from becoming forbidden fruit.

All the best.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:42 pm
by carla70
That is what I was thinking of doing. Such as having sandwich and chips for lunch or supper..quick and on nights I don't feel like cooking.

I am looking forward to trying some new recipes.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:46 pm
by tracey
Right now, I'm more focused on getting the habits ingrained than what I'm putting into the body.

Once I feel like the habits are true habits and second nature I will likely begin taking strides toward eating more quality foods.

I can't handle too much at one time or else I'll just give up entirely on everything if I mess up on one thing.

I'm finding the 3-S habits easy enough and not difficult but if I added more more thing, I think I'd pop. :)

Baby steps!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:30 pm
by Lilly
I buy some of my meals from a freshly prepared kitchen business. I just buy things that look good and eat them. Imagine my shock when they were featured on local tv when I found out they were balanced meals. :shock: :shock: :shock:
I don't knowingly eat anything diet. I have eaten more veggies since I started nosing as they come seasoned(tasty) already prepared and ready to pop into the oven. My eating plan is all things in moderation(3xplates a day). It worked before, it will work again. Desserts on weekends if so desired.
I think the question is what do you really like? Eat that.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:20 pm
by lindalou
I too just eat anything I want, I kept it just one plate

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:49 am
by blueskighs

my basic diet is pretty healthy so pretty much I just made adjustments to keep it all on one plate. I def don't eat lofat!


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:09 am
by Lilly
In just this short time of no body has already pointed me in the direction I need to go to give it the nutrients it needs. As long as I keep trusting my body I will be fine.
Does it make sense that however we got here(were created) that the body would be incapable of knowing what it needs nutritionally?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:22 am
by wosnes
I eat real food. With the exception of low-fat milk (which I prefer because I don't like the mouth-feel of whole milk), I use no fat-free, low-fat, low-carb, no-sugar (have I missed anything?) foods.

These altered foods aren't good quality foods. I prefer to eat the higher quality foods in smaller amounts. They're more satisfying on every level.

I want the ingredients list of my food to look more like a recipe than a chemistry experiment. I don't want my food to be an example of better living through chemistry.

Are you familiar with Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade books and show on the Food Network? Her idea is to use 70% premade, store bought ingredients and 30% fresh food and decorative touches. My idea is to use 70% (or more) fresh food and 30% (or less) store bought, premade food. I'm not big on the decorative touches.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:32 pm
by kccc
wosnes wrote:I eat real food. With the exception of low-fat milk (which I prefer because I don't like the mouth-feel of whole milk), I use no fat-free, low-fat, low-carb, no-sugar (have I missed anything?) foods.

These altered foods aren't good quality foods. I prefer to eat the higher quality foods in smaller amounts. They're more satisfying on every level.

I want the ingredients list of my food to look more like a recipe than a chemistry experiment. I don't want my food to be an example of better living through chemistry.

Are you familiar with Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade books and show on the Food Network? Her idea is to use 70% premade, store bought ingredients and 30% fresh food and decorative touches. My idea is to use 70% (or more) fresh food and 30% (or less) store bought, premade food. I'm not big on the decorative touches.
What wosnes said. I'm big on "real" food, except I also prefer low-fat milk. Other than that, I eat what I like.

And I cook more, and enjoy cooking more. I even bake on weekends now, which I used not to "allow" myself to do.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:38 pm
by wosnes
KCCC wrote:And I cook more, and enjoy cooking more. I even bake on weekends now, which I used not to "allow" myself to do.
Me, too! Sometimes I feel like I'm getting really picky about what I eat, but it's good-picky, not picky-picky.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:59 pm
by carla70
I LOVE when I can watch Sandra Lee's Semi Homemade.. i also like Rachael Ray.

Food is so much more fun when you have a plate.

You know that you want seconds cuz it was so good but then just think, I can have leftovers on the next meal. It's not a deprivation plan.

So far No S has released so much of the guilt of when you are on a diet.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:41 pm
by flipturn
wosnes -- I'm with you; I seldom use anything artificial or low-fat except for splenda in the muffin recipe that I posted and 2% milk. My husband likes revolting 80-calorie-a-cup yogourt that looks so disgusting that I don't even like to buy it!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:09 pm
by wosnes
flipturn wrote:wosnes -- I'm with you; I seldom use anything artificial or low-fat except for splenda in the muffin recipe that I posted and 2% milk. My husband likes revolting 80-calorie-a-cup yogourt that looks so disgusting that I don't even like to buy it!
I think I'd start using sugar in the muffin recipe! :lol: It's not the best, but I think it's better than the artificial sweeteners. As for the yogurt...well, at least you're not eating it!

I bought some vanilla and lemon yogurt and it tastes so "off" to me I can't stand it. Guess I'll flavor my own.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:23 pm
by carla70
HOPE = Helping Ourselves Thru Proper Eating

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:27 pm
by Bumpkyns
carla70 wrote:HOPE = Helping Ourselves Thru Proper Eating
I LIKE that! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:29 pm
by drswife
I just eat whatever I feel like as well. Now that I'm really hungry I just want real meals anway..who craves junk when they're actually hungry? For breakfast I had a tortilla w/ scrambled eggs, salsa, sour cream and guac w/ watermelon on the side. For lunch I had a chicken sausage on a bun, grapes and a yogurt.

I don't think about it much but it ends up pretty balanced. Sometimes when I feel like grabbing a snack Ill remind myself that I can have that at mealtime instead and I'll make sure to add that to my plate for the next meal that way I never feel deprived.

have fun exploring foods!
